Use these URLs if you want to send a user from your web site to the BookMooch site, and have them perform some action at BookMooch. However, most URLs at BookMooch are stable, can be linked to from outside web sites, and take all their parameters on the URL.
Mooch (get) the given ASIN. The user will be prompted for a name/password if they are not currently logged in, and given a helpful screen if they don't have a login. You need to indicate only asin=.
Add the given ASIN to a user's inventory (ie, books to be given away). The user will be prompted for a name/password if they are not currently logged in, and given a helpful screen if they don't have a login. You need to indicate both the asin= and as the source of the info. Alternate amazon stores (,, etc...) are also acceptable.
Add the given ASIN to a user's wishlist. The user will be prompted for a name/password if they are not currently logged in, and given a helpful screen if they don't have a login. You need to indicate both the asin= and as the source of the info. Alternate amazon stores (,, etc...) are also acceptable.
Add the given ASIN to a user's save-for-later list. The user will be prompted for a name/password if they are not currently logged in, and given a helpful screen if they don't have a login. You need to indicate both the asin= and as the source of the info. Alternate amazon stores (,, etc...) are also acceptable.

Feel free to |  | |  | if you have any questions or need something that isn't available |