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ennui (USA) : member bio

Name: ennui (USA)
Userid: darkennui

Inventory: 0
Points: 0.2
Mooched/given: 114/103
Pending mooch/give: 3/0
Mooch ratio: 1.16:1

Wishlist: 84
Feedback: +100
Smooches: 2
Charitable gifts: 3
Charity received: 1
Friends: 7
Cancelled requests: 8
Books receiving lost: 7
Books sending lost: 2
Rejected requests: 7

Will send: only to my country
Joined: 2007/11/20
Last here: 1485 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: United States

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:

Hi There!

I reeeaaally love BookMooch, but I gotta tell you - I have a life, too. Sometimes I actually turn off my computer, push myself awaaay from my desk and Go Outside With My Family - *gasp!*. As a result of this I sometimes 'forget' to send things - sometimes for a few weeks. Yes, I know this is Bad Form, but we're talking Used Books, people - UUUSED BOOOOKS.

Me? I'm still waiting for books I requested in February - that would be February 2009 - So relax! I can wait, seriously! It's not a big deal! See? UUUSED BOOOOKS!!

Perhaps you feel I'm a bit too casual in my understanding of BookMooch. Perhaps you're appalled by my lax attitude. No problem! There are undoubtedly Twenty Other People who are offering the very same books I have in my inventory. No hard feelings - and have fun!

I will be changing my "send" parameters to read, "more than a month," or maybe even "three months" - mostly because there's no "When I @#$%! well feel like it!" option. I hope that solves at least some of the problem!

As of 02.14.09 I'll be visiting the Post Office on arbitrary Saturdays only - meaning when I have mooches. I'll send (up to) five packages - the next (up to) five will be sent the following Saturday, and on from there. The "up to" depends on several factors - the biggest and most important factor being how rich I feel at the moment and how willing I am to get up, pull on my Docs and drive the outrageous Two-Whole-Miles to the Post Office (remember - UUUUUSED BOOOOKS). If you're in a hurry to delve into one of the books you've mooched from me let me know and I'll make an attempt to send more quickly and/or urge you to find some other person who caves more easily under pressure! *wink*

And please Please PLEASE don't be rude. I'm a Very Nice Person, but I shouldn't - and WILL NOT - be required to be nice to rude people.

Allergy Alert: Four very well-read felines and one little bitty jackhuahua who would rather sniff rabid amounts of cat butt than read. No, really. Well, unless it's the label on a cat food tin. Hey, everybody has their guilty pleasures!

Also, the aforementioned animals reside in the same facility as milk, eggs, tree nuts and catnip. LOTS of catnip. *sssshhhh!*

Home page:

I am a notorious bathtub reader. Unfortunately I am also a notorious bathtub dozer, and many of my books have learned to swim the hard way! While most of the books I've offered/will be offering are unscathed by my horribly irreverent bathtub behavior, I will be offering books that have been dunked 'n' dried (and reported as such) - perfect for those who long for a good read in the tub but are reluctant to send their "good" copies overseas, as it were. :)

I don't smoke, but I do have furkids - a lot of 'em. If you have cat and/or dog allergies I may not be a person you'd like to mooch from. You have my deepest sympathies!

Just so you'll know, I've written descriptions for each of my books as well as I can. Every once in a while - if I have dupes - I inadvertently send the OTHER copy. Sometimes this will be to your benefit, the other times just let me know. Don't worry about castigating me: I'll flog myself - just another service I provide!