Name: Errol (South Africa)
Userid: errol
Inventory: 5
Points: 13.8
Mooched/given: 9/13
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 0.69:1
Wishlist: 22
Feedback: +13
Friends: 6
Cancelled requests: 1
Will send: worldwide
Joined: 2011/04/18
Last here: 4025 days ago (possibly inactive)
Country: South Africa
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Books in inventory: 5 | | |
Status message: I will send books requested as soon as possible, normally within a week, but I will respond immediately to any request and explain what the situation is. Because of the high postage costs, I will usually have to send books via surface mail, so please be patient. Our Post Office service has become reliable again, but books travel slowly through the post. When I order from overseas addresses, like Amazon, for example, I seldom receive my books in less than a month, and sometimes more than double that. Many thanks to all those kind Moochers who are prepared to mooch books internationally. For those of us who live in remoter places and have to send all our books to overseas addresses, you won't believe how disappointing it is when we finally find a book we've been wanting for ages and then we find that the member won't send it because we live a bit further away. Bio: My books are mostly in good to average condition for used books. However, I couldn't say where a book has been before I obtained it. I'm also Errol42 on librarything. The following is quite smart: Countries I've visited/been to. However, it's a bit of a cheat. In the US and Canada, I've only ever been briefly to the Eastern side of the country, but unluckily there's no way on this map for showing anything less than the whole country.
create your own visited country map
Forums joined: newbie_bookmoocher_thread, recommendations_wanted.
Forums active on: newbie_bookmoocher_thread, recommendations_wanted. |