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Mareena McGirr (USA: NY) : member bio

Name: Mareena McGirr (USA: NY) (on vacation)
Userid: firerose1

Inventory: 0
Points: 273.1
Mooched/given: 416/607
Pending mooch/give: 6/2
Mooch ratio: 0.75:1

Wishlist: 139
Feedback: +607
Smooches: 9
Charity received: 3
Friends: 10
Cancelled requests: 39
Books receiving lost: 2
Books sending lost: 4
Rejected requests: 14

Will send: only to my country
Joined: 2010/02/01
Last here: 1400 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: United States

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
Our little family has gone through quite a lot over the past two years - home renovations in July of 2018 which seem to have totally screwed up our Bookmooch inventory; the passing of our precious little baby Ruby Ru in April of 2019; my mom’s uterine cancer diagnosis in December of 2019; her subsequent operation in February of 2020; and the passing of Ms.‘Licky Lolli’ Lollipop just this past August. Due to all these various personal life issues, as well as the current ‘Covid-19’ pandemic, I find that I honestly haven’t had the interest or inclination to either update our inventory very much or spend that much time online. Actually, I have been living and coping with a very mild form of clinical depression for the past 16 years. I’m on medication for my condition, and thankfully I haven’t suffered from any sort of major depressive episodes since June of 2014.

Mom had just been given her first ‘all clear’ cancer diagnosis right before our state went into mandatory ‘Covid-19 Lockdown’ mode. As a result, mom has been housebound for roughly seven months. Both she and I are actively trying to stay positive and to not get too depressed by our current situation; keeping in mind that every single other person in the world is going through the same pandemic just like us.

I'm posting the books that I have posted since July of 2018, although currently, we have 138 books in our inventory and continually add more books every week or so. My daughter keeps an eye on our bookshelf and is usually checking her email very frequently so please expect a quick and courteous response. She and I are both book bloggers known as Rosefire and Emeraldfire online. This is by far not our complete inventory, just 1 month's worth of posted books.

Recently Added Books:
- Her Father's House by Belva Plain
- The Doomsday Scroll by Barbara Rogers

I usually do my errands every Thursday - a weekly trip to the post office is usually a given for us. For the foreseeable future, I'm afraid we can only accept requests going to and from the United States.

We currently are very happily owned by by three adorable eight-year-old rescue cats named Ruby, Leila and Lollipop - affectionately known as 'Ruby and the Twins'. We are also Irish tea-totalers who have never smoked and get our huge "stash" primarily from our local library's book sale. We are currently trying to whittle our collection down slowly but surely. :) I'm not sure how successful we are, as we both seem to go weak in the knees at the mere sight of books! :)

There is no limit to the number of books a person can mooch off us. If you see something that you would be interested in - be it one book or twenty - please feel free to request it and we will do our utmost to oblige you. My daughter will try to reciprocate and save you as much postage as she can, however she currently tries to limit herself to three books from any one account and is willing to "spend" however many points her account will allow. Happy reading and swapping everyone! :)

Home page:

I'm obviously an avid reader whose first successful swap took place for me way back on February 20, 2010. (Breaking Point by Daphne du Maurier was sent to me from California). Since then I've had no unhappy moochers on this site so far and only four books have been lost in the mail. I truly hate having people upset with me for long, so if there is ever a problem with your swap, I sincerely apologize in advance and will refund your credit promptly if it ever happens. My daughter keeps an eye on our bookshelf and is usually checking her email very frequently so please expect a quick and courteous response. She and I are both book bloggers known as Rosefire and Emeraldfire online.

We both have overwhelming personal TBR piles between us and the reading downtime between books (at least for me) is approximately a day. It is so hard for us to choose favorite books, so here are our favorite authors (just to name a few):

For me: almost anything by Maeve Binchy, Norah Lofts, Belva Plain, Anne Rivers Siddons, and Anita Shreve is worth a read or reread.

For Mareena: almost anything by Laurie R. King, J. R. Ward, C. L. Wilson, and Jill Marie Landis is worth a read.

We currently are very happily owned by by three adorable eight-year-old rescue cats named Ruby, Leila and Lollipop - affectionately known as 'Ruby and the Twins'.

I usually do my errands every Thursday - a weekly trip to the post office is usually a given for us. For the forseeable future, I'm afraid we can only accept requests going to and from the United States.

There is no limit to the number of books a person can mooch off me, If you see something that you would be interested in - be it one book or twenty - please feel free to request it and we will do our utmost to oblige you. My daughter will try to reciprocate and save you as much postage as she can, however she currently tries to limit herself to three books from any one account and is willing to "spend" however many points her account will allow.

We are Irish tea-totalers who have never smoked and get our huge "stash" primarily from our local library's book sale. We are currently trying to whittle our collection down slowly but surely. :) I'm not sure how successful we are, as we both seem to go weak in the knees at the mere sight of books! :)

Happy reading and swapping everyone! :)

Forums joined:
book_blogs, inventory_plugs, missed_connectionsfor_books.

Forums active on:
book_blogs, missed_connectionsfor_books.