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Gaye Geigel (USA: GA) : member bio

Name: Gaye Geigel (USA: GA)
Userid: geigelga
(I give a little)

Inventory: 2
Points: 19.9
Mooched/given: 485/421
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 1.44:1

Wishlist: 153
Feedback: +420
Smooches: 15
Charity received: 10
Friends: 4
Cancelled requests: 31
Books receiving lost: 15
Books sending lost: 3
Rejected requests: 2

Will send: only to my country
Joined: 2009/07/24
Last here: 132 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: United States

Books in inventory: 2

Status message:
My inventory has changed since I'be been inactive. I will try to update by the begining of March 2014. If it's an ex-lib it is still available. I'm not sure about the others.

I collect in the subjects of the history of science (and it's subdivisions), bioethics, the interaction of science and religion, and exobiology. I volunteer at a Friends of the Library booksale. Dunwoody Library has used book sales 3x a year.. I'll try to pick up duplicates in the subjects I search for and add them to bookmooch for those with similar interests. The town is a suburb of Atlanta, so anyone living there may want to check it out. Dunwoody Lib is the most organized used booksale I've ever been to. Other bookmoochers seem to mention this, so I will too--I have 2 cats.