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joy_c (USA: PA) : member bio

Name: joy_c (USA: PA)
Userid: joycec

Inventory: 0
Points: 25.6
Mooched/given: 64/77
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 0.80:1

Wishlist: 32
Feedback: +77
Charitable gifts: 5
Charity received: 2
Friends: 7
Cancelled requests: 4
Books sending lost: 2

Will send: ask if not to my country
Joined: 2006/11/14
Last here: 5607 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: United States

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
All of my books have been exposed to cigarette, cigar, and pipe smoke *and* pet dander! (Horror!) All have had their tiny little spines broken right in half by me. All are old and yellowed just like me. Really horrible, terrible condition, the lot of them. There, I think that covers it.

Naturally, this is all double plus good-speak for people with a sense of humor.

Please see my bio for an ongoing super-duper extra-special offer!

I will gladly send these terrible books to Canada.

People who read books can't be trusted one little bit. Especially the sort who do not hermetically seal books as they read them.

I will gladly send my terrible books to Canada.

If you ask me nicely, I might even send you a two-for-one on the paperbacks! (Hint: There is a secret code word involved.) Tell me which one you want for your second book, along with the code word, and I'll remove it from my inventory and send it to you.

Extra-super-duper-nice people who have a sense of humor get three for ones on the paperbacks, but that's entirely up to me, isn't it? There's a secret code for that too. It's two little words.

I live in a house without a speck of white carpeting where I cultivate free range dust mites. Constant renovation makes me homesick for the old days of the Soviet Union.

Of course, this is all double plus good-speak for people with a sense of humor. My books are all in pretty good shape and very readable if you aren't overly picky about things. Yes, they have been exposed to smoke and pet dander. Yes, the spines on my paperbacks have been broken with hairline cracks. Some of them are yellowed with age - Many of them are well over twenty years old. Some have been creased and bent. I don't live in a museum and I've moved a few times over the years.

I came here for books that I can read, to discuss the books I trade with people, and to send my beloved books out to others.

I did not to trade barbs with people who want books in pristine condition. I also did not come here to learn a foreign language in order to list the condition of every single mark on every single book page in mindbending detail.

If you are looking for that, run along and find your book supply elsewhere, okay? I won't deny you the mooch, as per the rules, but you have been fairly warned about the condition of my books.