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KarmelK (USA: MI) : member bio

Name: KarmelK (USA: MI)
Userid: karmelk

Inventory: 0
Points: 3.5
Mooched/given: 109/86
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 1.36:1

Wishlist: 74
Feedback: +86
Smooches: 8
Charitable gifts: 3
Charity received: 6
Friends: 3
Cancelled requests: 13
Books receiving lost: 2
Rejected requests: 5

Will send: only to my country
Joined: 2007/07/08
Last here: 1161 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: United States

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
Always willing to make a deal. Will do two for one with all my inventory. It's not big right now, but I have tons of romance that I could list. If you have a specific book in mind, PM me, I might have it.

Home page:

I'm a middle age wife of one, mom of six, gramma of three. Big Notre Dame fan since most of my kids have gone, are going, or want to go there. And my Dad went there, too. Hubby was in the Air Force and went to U.T. so we route for both of them too.(burn that orange, it's TEXAS!!!) I've recently become a teacher's aide, my first full time job in 30 years. Youngest kid's in high school, rest are married or almost done with college.
I read mostly romance, all kinds, mainly the more innocent variety. I can't abide vampires or erotica, I just don't see those as romantic.
I read books for fun and escape. If I need info I find it online.
I'm an active bookcrosser, so you'll find labels on some of my books.

Forums joined:
a_book_search_among_friends, unfamiliar_words_in_the_books_i_read.

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