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Triccie (Philippines) : member bio

Name: Triccie (Philippines)
Userid: libreria
(I give a little)

Inventory: 0
Points: 370.5
Mooched/given: 911/1659
Pending mooch/give: 0/3
Mooch ratio: 1.09:1

Wishlist: 628
Feedback: +1663
Smooches: 62
Charitable gifts: 96
Charity received: 33
Friends: 131
Cancelled requests: 24
Books receiving lost: 11
Books sending lost: 15
Rejected requests: 14

Will send: only to my country
Joined: 2008/03/14
Last here: 2799 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: Philippines

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
Work is getting in the way of my bookmooch and even online life, so I am grudgingly changing to send only to my country until the workload settles down.

My inventory is a mix of new or like-new books [from left-over stock from my bookstore or lucky bargain purchases] as well as the shelf-worn or gently-used kind. While there are two adorable dogs in the house, they do not get to read or even sniff the books.

Happy mooching to all.

Home page:

bookworm, former bookstore proprietor, writer, communications consultant, single mother, not necessarily in order of importance

I collect pop-up books of any subject, so if you know of any for mooching do drop me a line. I am a fan of J.R.R. Tolkien, Antoine de St Exupery, Richard Bach, and Ayn Rand. I am re-discovering the classics, particularly romantic literature which I think I skipped during my teen years. Any tips on which authors or titles to prioritize would also be much appreciated.

I have sent out books to the U.S.A., Australia, Chile, Switzerland, Israel, Canada, Ireland, Netherlands, Italy, Finland, Japan, and Brazil. Have received such great books in return!!!

Hunting for inventory in second hand bookshops and other bargain places has been a favorite activity of late. The left-over inventory from my bookstore is all but gone, but the book hunting has kept my inventory fresh and well-stocked.