Name: Christoph (USA: NM)
Userid: phobos13013
Inventory: 35
Points: 35.2
Mooched/given: 193/188
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 0.98:1
Wishlist: 293
Feedback: +187
Smooches: 4
Friends: 7
Cancelled requests: 44
Books receiving lost: 2
Books sending lost: 2
Rejected requests: 2
Will send: only to my country
Joined: 2008/09/18
Last here: 21 days ago
Country: United States
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Books in inventory: 35 | | |
Bio: i live in the moment until the last moment i live. i am analytical and contemplative. i read to expand consciousness not gain knowledge. I assume the written word is the truth until it contradicts a belief or something I have already read. I hunt books and release books; usually the radius is kept tight. Take a book from me because as soon as one disappears, I will fill it with another soon. By the way, my Goodreads page FWIW is found here:
Forums joined: bookmooch_blog.
Forums active on: bookmooch_blog, discussion, recommendations_wanted. |