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Grace Hall (United Kingdom) : member bio

Name: Grace Hall (United Kingdom)
Userid: violabird

Inventory: 0
Points: 76.4
Mooched/given: 174/151
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 0.73:1

Wishlist: 251
Feedback: +151
Smooches: 15
Charitable gifts: 2
Charity received: 2
Friends: 6
Cancelled requests: 29
Books receiving lost: 1
Rejected requests: 1

Will send: worldwide
Joined: 2010/12/29
Last here: 2792 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: United Kingdom

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:

Please note; depending on the distance and weight of the book I often use surface mail for international mooches, so books can take some time to arrive.

To encourage international mooching, I'm currently offering 1 point back for every international mooch. If you go ahead and mooch, I'll smooch you back the point(s) once I've sent the book(s).

Home page:

I'm an avid reader, and have more books than shelves to fit them on so I'm delighted to be able to pass them on through this site. I'm happy to post worldwide, so go ahead and mooch freely!

I've discovered journalling through bookmooch, and I'm totally hooked! It's such a brilliant way to be a little creative, and you get to share in the fun with people from all over the world.

I've so far made entries in 49 journals, and have released six of my own into the wild;

BMJournal: ATiny Book of Short Poems (BM129832765778673080)
BMJournal: Anything and Everything British (BM1298387718488060074)
BMJournal: Inspired by Rubber Stamps (BM1298470083987373318)
BMJournal: Inspired by Rubber Stamps – Christmas Edition (BM1298470172812171419)
BMJournal: Green Living (BM1300557418443917014)
BMJournal: Great ideas and inventions (BM1300618640716746143)

In the spirit of keeping all those lovely journals moving, I'm currently offering 2 for 1 on all of the journals in my inventory (or 4 for 2, 6 for 3 etc..!). If you mooch the ones you want, I'll smooch you back the points for every second one.

If you want to find out more about journalling, have a look at 'The BookMooch Journal Project' entry on the BookMooch Wiki, or click on the link above to the BookMooch Journal Project homepage.

Happy mooching...

The map below shows the countries I've sent books to:

create your own visited country map

Forums joined:
angel_requests_2010_may, bookmooch_blog, bookmooch_journals, discussion, feature_requests, inactive_accounts_cleanup_project, inventory_plugs, inventory_specials, newbie_bookmoocher_thread, recommendations_wanted.

Forums active on:
angel_requests_2010_may, bookmooch_blog, bookmooch_journals, discussion, feature_requests, inactive_accounts_cleanup_project, inventory_plugs, inventory_specials, newbie_bookmoocher_thread, recommendations_wanted.