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wyvernfriend (Ireland) : member bio

Name: wyvernfriend (Ireland)
Userid: wyvernfriend

Inventory: 0
Points: 102.2
Mooched/given: 242/186
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 1.35:1

Wishlist: 818
Feedback: +186
Smooches: 6
Charitable gifts: 3
Charity received: 7
Friends: 25
Cancelled requests: 9
Books receiving lost: 7
Books sending lost: 2
Rejected requests: 12

Will send: ask if not to my country
Joined: 2006/08/14
Last here: 1261 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: Ireland

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
Postage is going to be confined to about 1/2 every 2-3 weeks. If you're willing to wait I'm willing to queue it. Europe/England/Ireland costs less than outside these zones, this means that 2 parcels to these zones costs about the same as 1 to outside. This may mean that they will get shipped quicker. Otherwise stuff gets shipped on a first in first out basis.

I am sorry that it is taking a while to get through this pile of books, it was more popular than I thought it would be and as I said before I'm VERY BROKE. If you're not willing to wait please don't mooch from me. I will ship as soon as I can but eating and mortgage has to take priority.

I will show preference to moochers who are willing to ship internationally.
I have the parcels bundled in about €10 lots and plan to ship them out in those lots.

I am working my way through the pile, it's taking me a little longer than I anticipated but I'm doing my best with these.

I'm an Irish bookcrosser, my books are all bookcrossed.

In common with a lot of Irish Addresses I have no postal or area code. If this is an issue with your post office I can provide an address with as close as it gets in this country at the moment (Dublin City and some of the County has some simple numerical area codes going from Dublin 1 (Where I lived for many years) to Dublin 24 with a few numbers missing in between. Our Postal service invested heavily in a machine to read the full addresses and they are resisting the change (before they invested they asked for area codes but the government resisted so I really don't blame them for being tetchy about this)

We have monthly meetings and often some of the books end up in flux for a day or so.

I'm a non-smoker and am allergic to smoking, though I do buy books second hand that sometimes smell a little of smoke, feel free to ask. I also live in a house with a cat.

I tend to send books once a week. I don't have a post office near home so it depends on how busy work is as to whether or not I get to the post office. I sometimes get my husband to deliver to the post office near where he works but that sometimes doesn't work well, he can get swamped in work too.