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Randall Platt : The Likes of Me

Author: Randall Platt
Title: The Likes of Me
Moochable copies: No copies available
Published in: English
Binding: Mass Market Paperback
Pages: 256
Date: 2001-05-08
ISBN: 0440228808
Publisher: Laurel Leaf
Weight: 0.3 pounds
Size: 4.1 x 6.8 x 0.9 inches
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Previous givers: 1 Grad Student Book Group (USA)
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Description: Product Description
Cordelia Lu Hankins is half Caucasian, half Chinese--and all albino. She has grown up isolated from the world, with her distant father and a giant stepmother named Babe (after Paul Bunyan's blue ox) in a remote lumber town in the Pacific Northwest. But in the summer of 1918, she meets Squirl. Squirl is charming, easygoing, and good looking, and Cordy falls desperately in love with him. One day they meet on the mountain and Cordy receives her first kiss, as well
as a wild ride down a log flume that gets Squirl fired.

Determined to follow Squirl, Cordy runs away and begins an exciting adventure that takes her to the sideshows of Seattle's Luna Park, where her unusual looks bring her fame. But her journey also brings tragedy in this fast-paced coming-of-age novel with a remarkable, original heroine. Review
While most teens feel like a "freak" at some point during their adolescence, author Randall Beth Platt has taken that emotion to the extreme and created a character whose strangeness isn't just a feeling, but a physical fact. Fourteen-year-old Cordelia wears her freakiness all over her face--she's a half-Caucasian, half-Chinese albino. "I used to wonder if it was because my mother was yellow with black hair, and my father was white with red hair, that I came out albino--without any color at all..." It is 1918, and Cordy's family lives in an isolated logging camp in the Pacific Northwest where most of the lumberjacks are used to her odd coloring. But when handsome Squirl joins the crew, he is fascinated by Cordy, and she by him. When Squirl is fired and leaves for Seattle, Cordy, completely smitten, runs away to join him. Once there, she learns that her appearance can turn a profit, and, after much cajoling by Squirl, joins "Dr. Ridenour's Carnival of Mystic Delights." But even as she enjoys fame and fortune, Cordy is troubled by Squirl's waning affection, and learns a shocking secret about her family that could change her life forever.

The Likes of Me is a truly original teenage angst story. Cordelia's unusual exterior only emphasizes her adolescent insecurity, making her the perfect sympathetic heroine for most teenaged girls. Platt's fresh take on a young girl's coming of age will leave teen readers with the knowledge that being different is nothing to be ashamed of, and that it can even be a source of great personal pride. (Ages 12 to 15) --Jennifer Hubert

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