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John Alston : Stuff Happens (and then you fix it!): 9 Reality Rules to Steer Your Life Back in the Right Direction

Author: John Alston
Title: Stuff Happens (and then you fix it!): 9 Reality Rules to Steer Your Life Back in the Right Direction
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 176
Date: 2003-01-13
ISBN: 0471273600
Publisher: Wiley
Weight: 0.4 pounds
Size: 5.71 x 0.71 x 8.46 inches
Edition: 1
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Previous givers: 1 Rob Larson (USA: FL)
Previous moochers: 1 evy47 (USA: WA)
Description: Product Description
Reality rules for conquering life’s big challenges

Stuff Happens (and then you fix it!) is a simple guide for getting through life’s rough spots and turning these challenges into positive opportunities for personal growth. Life, as good as it is, is sometimes going to throw some dirt on you. This uplifting and inspirational book by two award winning authors, internationally renowned Speaker Hall of Famer John Alston and five-time Emmy award winner Lloyd Thaxton, offers nine "Reality Rules" for dealing with these trying times and getting your life back on track. Keeping these nine rules in mind helps readers prepare for the stuff that happens and gives them the attitude adjustment they need to succeed. The many stories in the book of people bouncing back from all kinds of big and little problems by applying one or more of the nine reality rules offers proof that these rules really work. It’s not what happens to you that’s important, it’s how you respond to what happens and Stuff Happens (and then you fix it!) tells you not only how to respond but how to fix it.

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