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M. J. Smith : All-American Low-Fat and No-Fat Meals in Minutes: 300 Delicious Recipes and Menus for Special Occasions for Every Day—In 30 Minutes or Less

Author: M. J. Smith
Title: All-American Low-Fat and No-Fat Meals in Minutes: 300 Delicious Recipes and Menus for Special Occasions for Every Day—In 30 Minutes or Less
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 416
Date: 1997-01-06
ISBN: 0471346551
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Weight: 1.05 pounds
Size: 5.43 x 1.1 x 8.27 inches
Edition: 2
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Previous givers: 1 Donald G Warman (USA: NH)
Previous moochers: 1 Eve (USA: TX)
Description: Product Description
America's Favorite Low-Fat Recipes are Now Even More Delicious. With hundreds of tasty recipes and plenty of low-fat tips and tricks, this updated best-seller makes healthy eating a snap. Registered dietitian M.J. Smith has perfected ingredient combinations and cooking methods that make healthy foods delicious and satisfying--and most of these dishes can be prepared in less than 30 minutes. This new edition features more than 100 new low-fat and fat-free recipes, new food exchanges, and new time-saving tips and convenient ingredient substitutions. It also includes seasonal menus to help you plan a variety of healthy meals and complete nutrition information for each recipe. "Quick and innovative recipes." --USA Today "'Common folk' recipes that your family will enjoy eating." --JoAnna M. Lund, author of Healthy Exchanges??Cook book
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