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Beth Moore : Beloved Disciple: The Life and Ministry of John

Author: Beth Moore
Title: Beloved Disciple: The Life and Ministry of John
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 224
Date: 2002-12-31
ISBN: 0633018511
Publisher: LifeWay Christian Resources
Weight: 1.2 pounds
Size: 8.11 x 0.0 x 10.59 inches
Edition: First Edition
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Previous givers: 3 Shanna (USA: FL), whitney johnson (USA: TX), megan (USA: OH)
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Description: Product Description
Beloved Disciple: The Life and Ministry of John by Beth Moore is a 10-week women's Bible study. Beth explores the life of the apostle John who had the God-given gift of seeing a larger picture. John's love relationship with Jesus Christ profoundly influenced everything he did and wrote.

As the other disciples were martyred one by one, John remained to write his sublime Gospel proclaiming Jesus' identity as the eternal Word of God. In his three letters John left a legacy of divine love to ignite the passion of future believers. And while exiled on Patmos, John recorded His risen Lord's glorious revelation of victory and hope. John referred to himself as 'the disciple whom Jesus loved.' Just as Christ took John on a lifelong journey into the depths of His love, He will do the same for you. The Bridegroom's love is unmatched and inexhaustible, and He is waiting to lavish it on you, His beloved.
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