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Jessica Kuper : The Anthropologist's Cookbook

Author: Jessica Kuper
Title: The Anthropologist's Cookbook
Moochable copies: No copies available
Published in: English
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 256
Date: 1999-04-15
ISBN: 0710305435
Publisher: Routledge
Weight: 1.32 pounds
Size: 6.31 x 0.96 x 9.36 inches
Edition: Rev Sub
Previous givers: 1 ann o (Norway)
Previous moochers: 1 Dianne T. DeSha (USA: CA)
Description: Product Description

Ghanaian Groundnut Stew? Chugach Eskimo Chowder? Whatever your tastes may be these are just a few of the choice contributions collected by Jessica Kuper from anthropologists all over the world to create a menu that no global gourmet will want to be without. In the classic cookbook tradition, contributors include a list of ingredients and details on how to prepare and serve the meal. But, more than a list of remarkable recipes, this book provides a feast of insights into the varied phenomena of intercultural cuisine from an anthropological point of view, ranging from an examination of the significance of special dishes through general discussions about the preparation of food in different cultures, to an analysis of the symbolic and structural significance of food and eating.

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