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Jodi Picoult : Vanishing Acts: A Novel

Author: Jodi Picoult
Title: Vanishing Acts: A Novel
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Published in: English
ISBN: 0743454553
Latest: 2024/04/29
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Reviews: John Murphy (United Kingdom) (2006/09/21):
I was attending a book club in the USA and when I left they were about to read the new release from Jodi Picoult. Not finding the new one in paperback I bought Vanishing Acts.
The plot was interesting and the characters did have some depth. The idea that a father could disappear with his young daughter and not be found for decades is ever more believeable given the current state of society (both in the USA and elsewhere).
The main character, Delia reacts quite typically when she discovers that her father is arrested for kidnapping. Whilst she accepts why he did it there is still that feeling deep down that her life is missing an essential element and when she eventually meets her mother some of her questions get answered.
I enjoyed the interaction with the mystical native indian group and how the relationships between Delia and her two amours developed.
I was less keen on the relationship with the mother as this seemed to be somewhat lacking in the whole gamut of emotion that must surely have been present.

kiddiefondue (USA: MN) (2008/06/18):
This is surly one of Picoult's best books. I actually never read one of her books until this one and found I could not put it down. A beautifully written, engaging story that surprised me as it progressed. Sort of like life usually does. The book, to me, shows the many faces that "survival" can take on as we live our lives. Survival of ourselves and sometimes more importantly, survival of the ones we love.

Holly (USA: OK) (2008/07/13):
This is the first of Jodi Picoult's books that I have read. I was so impressed that I have to read them all! Great story with fascinating and memorable characters.

mandarin776 (USA: CO) (2008/09/24):
I love Jodi Picoult, but some of her books disappoint me (like nineteen minutes), but this one was very well done and kept my attention.

Kammy (USA: IN) (2008/09/27):
i loved this book as i do with all jodi picoult books. however was a little dissapointed with the ending.

Ashley (USA: CA) (2011/04/04):
This was an intense and very well written book as all of Jodi's books are. This book's main theme was, in my eyes, about judging others and their actions before getting to know that person or finding out the reason they did what they did. You can see a better written review of this books on my blog