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Jeffrey Strausser : Painless Writing (Painless Series)

Author: Jeffrey Strausser
Title: Painless Writing (Painless Series)
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 246
Date: 2001-09-01
ISBN: 0764118102
Publisher: Barron's Educational Series
Weight: 0.8 pounds
Size: 0.56 x 5.94 x 9.0 inches
Previous givers: 3 kayleemichelle (USA: MI), Katelyn (USA: ND), Virginia (USA: NC)
Previous moochers: 3 Lora (USA: OK), sesh (USA: NY), Joya (USA: CA)
Description: Product Description
Titles in Barron's Painless Series are textbook supplements designed especially for classroom use by middle-school and high school students. The approach of each title is an appeal to students who think that the subject is boring, or too difficult, or both. The authors, all experienced educators, take a light approach, showing kids what is most interesting about each subject, and how seemingly difficult problems can be transformed into fun quizzes, brain-ticklers, and challenging puzzles with rational solutions. Here is practical advice that transforms essay writing into a satisfying experience for middle school and senior high school students. The author offers tips on enlivening writing with vivid images, smoothing out sentences, silencing the dull passive voice, and adding rhythm to writing. He also shows how to create a template that students can use when writing research papers for all subjects. In addition, students will find web site reference s cited throughout the text, which they can access. Brain ticklers (short quizzes) appear throughout the book with an answer key at the back.
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