Marianne (Australia) (2011/12/30): Dearly Devoted Dexter is the second in Jeff Lindsay’s Dexter series. Dexter Morgan, the serial killer with a conscience, is spending time at his girlfriend Rita’s, acting like a devoted boyfriend and playing hangman with her kids, Astor and Cody. This is cementing his cover as a normal human being in the hope that Sergeant Noakes will stop shadowing him, but Dexter’s Dark Passenger is getting frustrated at the lack of fun they are able to have. Then, a killer leaves a victim so awfully mutilated that even Dexter is shocked. Someone is sent from Washington to take over the case and Dexter’s cop sister, Deborah becomes involved in more ways than usual. This novel has plenty of dark humour, both in the plot and Dexter’s inner monologue. Witty repartee and dry quips between the characters abound. The situation of Dexter’s accidental engagement is hilarious and there is a delicious irony in killer’s method. Of course Lindsay also gives the reader lots of clever D alliteration and a virtual Cuban diner menu of mouth-watering dishes. Most readers will be eagerly awaiting the next instalment, Dexter in the Dark.