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Race Bannon : Learning the Ropes: A Basic Guide to Safe and Fun S/m Lovemaking

Author: Race Bannon
Title: Learning the Ropes: A Basic Guide to Safe and Fun S/m Lovemaking
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 158
Date: 1993-01
ISBN: 1881943070
Publisher: Daedalus Publishing Company
Weight: 0.4 pounds
Size: 5.4 x 8.3 x 0.4 inches
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Description: Product Description
This brief volume explains how partners can explore their dominant and submissive S/M fantasies in a safe and fun manner. Negative myths are dispelled and replaced with the truth about the kind of S/M erotic play that so many adults enjoy. You'll learn what S/M is, how to do it safely, and much, much more. Review
The introduction to Learning the Ropes begins, "S/M has long been a much misunderstood style of erotic play." Race Bannon provides some much-appreciated accurate information in this honest and straightforward basic guide to S/M. He explodes prevalent myths about S/M and replaces them with a playground of erotic fantasy and an emphasis on consensuality. The fantasy visualization exercises and the examples of scenes and negotiation provide rich fodder for crafting new experiences, and regardless of your gender, orientation, or skill level, you'll find that the advice sprinkled throughout the book is useful. Possibly the most important trait of this book, though, is that it's delightfully devoid of the "This is the One True Way" trap evident in too many sexuality manuals.

Learning the Ropes provides delightful examples of questions and issues that commonly come up during negotiation, useful for both the novice just learning to say yes, and the more experienced hand who has met a new partner. The chapter on "S/M Technique" includes good basic safety and sensation information. The real gem, however, is next chapter, "The Playground of the Mind." Here, Bannon shows how the mind--using fantasy, suggestion, voice, and roles--can play an important part in S/M. He also includes sections on S/M gear and how to create an inexpensive toy collection, safety, finding partners, a recommended reading list, and a glossary. --Cheryl Trooskin

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