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Anton Gill : City of Dreams (Huy the Scribe Mysteries)

Author: Anton Gill
Title: City of Dreams (Huy the Scribe Mysteries)
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 240
Date: 2006-02-15
ISBN: 1933397306
Publisher: Felony & Mayhem
Weight: 0.25 pounds
Size: 5.54 x 7.4 x 0.51 inches
Previous givers: 3 RichardMiller (USA: NC), Arachnae (USA: VA), Kelly (USA)
Previous moochers: 3 Arachnae (USA: VA), tknoren (USA: AL), Larry Gross (USA: FL)
3mriis (Denmark), Larry Mayer (USA: KS), jacquie (United Kingdom).
Description: Product Description
First U.S. edition Once a high-status scribe in the court of the pharaoh Akhenaten, Huy has been reduced to freelance problem-solving – working, essentially, as the world’s first private eye. And with the child-pharaoh Tutankhamun now in power, all of Akhenaten’s former supporters are automatically suspect, so Huy has to conduct his investigations very quietly indeed, if he’s to avoid attracting the notice of the secret police. That in itself is a problem, because Huy’s latest case shows every indication of becoming extremely high-profile. A serial killer has been stalking wealthy young women in Thebes – the daughters of powerful, influential men. And every clue that Huy uncovers leads to the unavoidable conclusion that the killer is just such a powerful, influential man, with the ability to end Huy’s hardscrabble life with the flick of a finger. “Huy goes down the mean streets of ancient Egypt in a fine, swaggering style,” said the Glasgow Herald, but while that swagger wins him plenty of bed-partners, it’s increasingly tempered by his sense of growing danger, as the streets grow meaner by the day. The 2nd Huy the Scribe mystery
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