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Hebamashundi (BMJournal) : BMJournal: The Great Scrapbooking and Art Adventure

Author: Hebamashundi (BMJournal)
Title: BMJournal: The Great Scrapbooking and Art Adventure
Moochable copies: No copies available
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 100
Date: 2006-1
ISBN: BM1174238650894809413
Publisher: Hebamashundi's Most Awesomest Books Published Ever
Size: 9.0 x 5.0 x 1.0 inches
Previous givers: 1 hebamashundi (Canada)
Previous moochers: 1 Kenneth Samson (USA: MD)
Description: The Great Scrapbooking and Art Adventure Bookmooch Journal, by bm user Hebamashundi.
This journal is part of the 100 Bookmooch Journals project. After you mooch and receive this book, alter a page or two to add your own artwork or display your scrapbooking skills. The art/scrapbooked page should be related (however loosely) to the themes of reading, and/or books. Create your art page, and then on the adjacent page include some short notes about yourself, your masterpiece, and your favourite book(s). Log in your catch on bookcrossing, and then set the book free again to pass on to another bookmoocher!
Reviews: Kenneth Samson (USA: MD) (2007/03/20):
Information about The BookMooch Journal Project can be found here:

Alicia (USA: GA) (2008/05/26):
Get more information, including images of the journals, at the BookMooch Journals site. Go directly to this journal's entry here.

gemstone (USA: OR) (2008/11/02):
Journal seems to no longer be traveling. Both previous giver's and moocher's accounts have been closed for some time.