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Pending transactions: Ashlee (USA: IN)

Books waiting to receive, which have not been sent

Book title:The Hiden Diary of Marie Antoinette
Book author:Carolly Erickson
Date requested:March 17, 2008 / 11:32 PM
Points from moocher:1
Points to giver:1
Book owner:
emilysnook (USA: TX)
Your comment:Thank you! :)

Books waiting to receive, which have been delayed

book details

Book title:The Rose Without a Thorn: The Wives of Henry VIII
Book author:Jean Plaidy
Date requested:March 17, 2008 / 11:18 PM
Points from moocher:1
Points to giver:1
Book owner:
Lynda Pringle (USA: TX)
Your comment:Thank you!! :)

book details

Book title:Katharine of Aragon: The Wives of Henry VIII
Book author:Jean Plaidy
Date requested:March 17, 2008 / 11:21 PM
Points from moocher:1
Points to giver:1
Book owner:
Lynda Pringle (USA: TX)
Your comment:Thank you! :)

book details

Book title:Starvation Heights
Book author:Gregg Olsen
Date requested:March 17, 2008 / 11:22 PM
Points from moocher:1
Points to giver:1
Book owner:
Lynda Pringle (USA: TX)
Your comment:Thanks again! :)