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Points analysis

Name: Antonia (Italia)
User ID: antonia128
Points: 44.4

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
45.4 -1 44.4 mooch cancelled by requestor B0074O5R08 antonio (Italia) 2017/03/03
44.4 +1 45.4 gave points for mooch request B0074O5R08 antonio (Italia) 2017/02/07
45.4 -1 44.4 mooch cancelled by requestor B00649N9TU Michela Belcore (Italia) 2017/01/31
44.4 +1 45.4 gave points for mooch request B00649N9TU Michela Belcore (Italia) 2017/01/31
45.4 -1 44.4 deducted points for mooch request 8806185594 Dani_pisa (Italia) 2017/01/08
44.4 +1 45.4 gave points for mooch request 8886845383 FedericaKo (Italia) 2016/10/12
43.4 +1 44.4 gave points for mooch request 8804331186 Angela (Italia) 2016/10/07
42.4 +1 43.4 gave points for mooch request B00ETIJK8M Bruno (Italia) 2016/09/26
43.4 -1 42.4 deducted points for mooch request 8817124559 Sara (Italy) 2016/08/27
42.4 +1 43.4 gave points for mooch request 8811685818 elisavangelisti (Italia) 2016/06/03
41.4 +1 42.4 gave points for mooch request 8850219717 Jess_Pennylane (Italy) 2016/05/16
41.5 -0.1 41.4 removed book from inventory 8808079074 Antonia (Italia) 2016/05/16
42.5 -1 41.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 8808079074 Ketty (Italia) 2016/05/13
41.5 +1 42.5 gave points for mooch request 8808079074 Ketty (Italia) 2016/05/13
40.5 +1 41.5 gave points for mooch request B005ELZQ36 Gabriele Bucchianeri (Italia) 2016/03/12
39.5 +1 40.5 gave points for mooch request B006GFISAM giusy (Italia) 2016/03/11
40.5 -1 39.5 deducted points for mooch request 9788807818585 Claudia (Italia) 2016/03/03
41.5 -1 40.5 mooch cancelled by requestor B00649N9TU Mauro Rango (Italy) 2016/02/17
42.5 -1 41.5 mooch cancelled by requestor B005ELZUFU Mauro Rango (Italy) 2016/02/17
41.5 +1 42.5 lost in the mail says book owner 8804492643 Silvia (Italia) 2016/02/10
40.5 +1 41.5 gave points for mooch request B005ELZUFU Mauro Rango (Italy) 2016/01/20
39.5 +1 40.5 gave points for mooch request B00649N9TU Mauro Rango (Italy) 2016/01/20
40.5 -1 39.5 mooch cancelled by requestor B00649N9TU Imma (Italia) 2016/01/19
39.5 +1 40.5 gave points for mooch request B00649N9TU Imma (Italia) 2016/01/18
40.5 -1 39.5 mooch rejected by book owner 0091818931 antonio iucolano (Italia) 2016/01/18
40.6 -0.1 40.5 removing book from inventory 0091818931 Antonia (Italia) 2016/01/18
41.6 -1 40.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 8817114472 moonlight89 (Italia) 2016/01/16
40.6 +1 41.6 gave points for mooch request 8817114472 moonlight89 (Italia) 2016/01/15
39.6 +1 40.6 gave points for mooch request 8817005401 Katia (Italia) 2015/12/31
38.6 +1 39.6 gave points for mooch request B005NHWV2K Antonella (Italia) 2015/12/20
37.6 +1 38.6 gave points for mooch request 0091818931 antonio iucolano (Italia) 2015/12/15
38.6 -1 37.6 deducted points for mooch request 8804492643 Silvia (Italia) 2015/12/13
37.6 +1 38.6 gave points for mooch request 8868360640 Arnaldo (Italia) 2015/11/25
38.6 -1 37.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 8817005401 Chiara (Italia) 2015/11/25
37.6 +1 38.6 gave points for mooch request 8817005401 Chiara (Italia) 2015/11/20
36.6 +1 37.6 gave points for mooch request 883849942X Marillie (Italia) 2015/11/16
37.6 -1 36.6 deducted points for mooch request 8804492953 Federica Di Marcello (Italia) 2015/11/13
38.6 -1 37.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 8808079074 Caterina (Italia) 2015/07/31
39.6 -1 38.6 mooch cancelled by requestor B00AXZ2EOW milly86100 (Italia) 2015/07/31
40.6 -1 39.6 mooch cancelled by requestor B00ENM5HQI milly86100 (Italia) 2015/07/31
41.6 -1 40.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 8860613086 sarasangi64 (Italia) 2015/07/31
42.6 -1 41.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 8022264751018 Federico (Italia) 2015/07/02
41.6 +1 42.6 gave points for mooch request 8860613086 sarasangi64 (Italia) 2015/07/01
40.6 +1 41.6 gave points for mooch request 8022264751018 Federico (Italia) 2015/06/26
41.6 -1 40.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 8817005401 Emilia (Italia) 2015/06/08
40.6 +1 41.6 gave points for mooch request 8817005401 Emilia (Italia) 2015/06/02
39.6 +1 40.6 mooch rejected by book owner B00AA4ZM4U Martina Langone9 (Italia) 2015/05/28
40.6 -1 39.6 deducted points for mooch request B00AA4ZM4U Martina Langone9 (Italia) 2015/05/27
39.6 +1 40.6 gave points for mooch request B00AXZ2EOW milly86100 (Italia) 2015/05/21
38.6 +1 39.6 gave points for mooch request B00ENM5HQI milly86100 (Italia) 2015/05/21
37.6 +1 38.6 gave points for mooch request 8808079074 Caterina (Italia) 2015/05/11
38.6 -1 37.6 deducted points for mooch request 8804356367 monica (Italia) 2015/05/09
37.6 +1 38.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 8843038435 emyjane (Italia) 2015/04/21
36.6 +1 37.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 8842506664 brigida sepe (Italia) 2015/04/21
35.6 +1 36.6 gave points for mooch request 8854116912 Eleonora Adorni (Italia) 2015/03/25
36.6 -1 35.6 deducted points for mooch request BM1377944280909963246 Ludovica (Italia) 2015/03/12
37.6 -1 36.6 mooch cancelled by requestor B00649N9TU sarabea (Italy) 2015/03/12
38.6 -1 37.6 mooch cancelled by requestor B009DFZBSY Giovanni (Italia) 2015/03/11
37.6 +1 38.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 8804320559 annabenini (Italia) 2015/03/11
38.6 -1 37.6 deducted points for mooch request BM1422298382621067029 Paolo (Italia) 2015/02/27
37.6 +1 38.6 gave points for mooch request B009DFZBSY Giovanni (Italia) 2015/02/26
36.6 +1 37.6 gave points for mooch request B00649N9TU sarabea (Italy) 2015/02/21
35.6 +1 36.6 gave points for mooch request 886061287X ele_guai (Italia) 2015/02/21
34.6 +1 35.6 gave points for mooch request B00AM4ZQ62 ele_guai (Italia) 2015/02/21
35.6 -1 34.6 deducted points for mooch request 8806168053 Davide (Italia) 2015/02/19
36.6 -1 35.6 mooch cancelled by requestor B005WYX8XA Irina Tretiak (Italy) 2015/02/10
35.6 +1 36.6 gave points for mooch request 8804283440 Sara (Italia) 2015/02/07
36.6 -1 35.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 8817056359 Anna-Maria (Italia) 2015/02/06
37.6 -1 36.6 deducted points for mooch request 8804320559 annabenini (Italia) 2015/02/04
36.6 +1 37.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 8804492953 Flavia (Italia) 2015/01/29
37.6 -1 36.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 8817005401 simona (Italia) 2015/01/28
38.6 -1 37.6 deducted points for mooch request 8804492953 Flavia (Italia) 2015/01/28
37.6 +1 38.6 gave points for mooch request 8804340177 Linda (Italia) 2015/01/28
36.6 +1 37.6 gave points for mooch request 8817005401 simona (Italia) 2015/01/27
35.6 +1 36.6 gave points for mooch request 8817056359 Anna-Maria (Italia) 2015/01/19
34.6 +1 35.6 gave points for mooch request B005WYX8XA Irina Tretiak (Italy) 2015/01/12
35.6 -1 34.6 deducted points for mooch request 8842506664 brigida sepe (Italia) 2015/01/02
35.5 +0.1 35.6 added book to inventory 8817005401 Antonia (Italia) 2014/12/30
34.5 +1 35.5 gave points for mooch request B00ALXCZLI Marina (Italia) 2014/12/30
35.5 -1 34.5 deducted points for mooch request 8804314826 Moni_c (Italia) 2014/12/29
36.5 -1 35.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 8882741729 Silvia (Italia) 2014/12/27
35.5 +1 36.5 gave points for mooch request 8882741729 Silvia (Italia) 2014/12/25
34.5 +1 35.5 gave points for mooch request B005SZ51W4 Rosita (Italia) 2014/12/22
35.5 -1 34.5 deducted points for mooch request 8804477849 MomoNyu (Italia) 2014/12/22
36.5 -1 35.5 deducted points for mooch request 8817130400 Franciek (Italy) 2014/12/22
37.5 -1 36.5 deducted points for mooch request BM1415291092479239112 mirco (Italia) 2014/12/22
36.5 +1 37.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 8806168053 elimoussaka (Italia) 2014/12/22
35.5 +1 36.5 gave points for mooch request 8860612829 Manuela (Italia) 2014/12/20
34.5 +1 35.5 gave points for mooch request B006GEA2O8 Manuela (Italia) 2014/12/20
33.5 +1 34.5 gave points for mooch request 887684841X tatiana (Italia) 2014/12/10
33.4 +0.1 33.5 added book to inventory 887684841X Antonia (Italia) 2014/12/08
33.3 +0.1 33.4 added book to inventory B00IVH0X88 Antonia (Italia) 2014/12/06
33.2 +0.1 33.3 added book to inventory 883849942X Antonia (Italia) 2014/12/06
33.1 +0.1 33.2 added book to inventory B00N3EL8KG Antonia (Italia) 2014/12/06
33 +0.1 33.1 added book to inventory B00ALXCZLI Antonia (Italia) 2014/12/06
32.9 +0.1 33 added book to inventory 8804418958 Antonia (Italia) 2014/12/06
32.8 +0.1 32.9 added book to inventory 8804344008 Antonia (Italia) 2014/12/06
32.7 +0.1 32.8 added book to inventory 8820009420 Antonia (Italia) 2014/12/06
32.6 +0.1 32.7 added book to inventory 8804343516 Antonia (Italia) 2014/12/06
32.5 +0.1 32.6 added book to inventory 8817001341 Antonia (Italia) 2014/12/06
32.4 +0.1 32.5 added book to inventory B00939Q666 Antonia (Italia) 2014/12/06
32.3 +0.1 32.4 added book to inventory 8850219717 Antonia (Italia) 2014/12/06
32.2 +0.1 32.3 added book to inventory 8804321059 Antonia (Italia) 2014/12/06
32.1 +0.1 32.2 added book to inventory B003BZSWHY Antonia (Italia) 2014/12/06
32 +0.1 32.1 added book to inventory B005SZ51W4 Antonia (Italia) 2014/12/06
31.9 +0.1 32 added book to inventory 886061287X Antonia (Italia) 2014/12/06
31.8 +0.1 31.9 added book to inventory B008M2SVOA Antonia (Italia) 2014/12/06
31.7 +0.1 31.8 added book to inventory B00I9K1K2U Antonia (Italia) 2014/12/06
31.6 +0.1 31.7 added book to inventory 8804347600 Antonia (Italia) 2014/12/06
31.5 +0.1 31.6 added book to inventory B006GE9SCU Antonia (Italia) 2014/12/06
31.4 +0.1 31.5 added book to inventory 8845275094 Antonia (Italia) 2014/12/06
31.3 +0.1 31.4 added book to inventory 8817842087 Antonia (Italia) 2014/12/06
31.2 +0.1 31.3 added book to inventory 8817534528 Antonia (Italia) 2014/12/06
31.1 +0.1 31.2 added book to inventory B00AM4ZQ62 Antonia (Italia) 2014/12/06
30.1 +1 31.1 gave points for mooch request 8804448687 giuli (Italia) 2014/12/02
29.1 +1 30.1 gave points for mooch request B00IJLRHNU valedora90 (Italia) 2014/12/01
29 +0.1 29.1 added book to inventory 8804415177 Antonia (Italia) 2014/11/30
28.9 +0.1 29 added book to inventory B006GEGCI8 Antonia (Italia) 2014/11/30
28.8 +0.1 28.9 added book to inventory 8860613086 Antonia (Italia) 2014/11/30
28.7 +0.1 28.8 added book to inventory 8804340177 Antonia (Italia) 2014/11/30
28.6 +0.1 28.7 added book to inventory B00AI7LWC0 Antonia (Italia) 2014/11/30
28.5 +0.1 28.6 added book to inventory B00DELJBX4 Antonia (Italia) 2014/11/30
28.4 +0.1 28.5 added book to inventory B00I9JX68C Antonia (Italia) 2014/11/30
28.3 +0.1 28.4 added book to inventory B00NFXG4Y0 Antonia (Italia) 2014/11/30
28.2 +0.1 28.3 added book to inventory 8830409324 Antonia (Italia) 2014/11/30
28.1 +0.1 28.2 added book to inventory B009DFZBSY Antonia (Italia) 2014/11/30
28 +0.1 28.1 added book to inventory 8804283440 Antonia (Italia) 2014/11/30
27.9 +0.1 28 added book to inventory 8882741729 Antonia (Italia) 2014/11/30
27.8 +0.1 27.9 added book to inventory B005ELZUFU Antonia (Italia) 2014/11/30
27.7 +0.1 27.8 added book to inventory B00CUIA5O6 Antonia (Italia) 2014/11/30
27.6 +0.1 27.7 added book to inventory B005NHWV2K Antonia (Italia) 2014/11/30
27.5 +0.1 27.6 added book to inventory B00IJLRHNU Antonia (Italia) 2014/11/30
27.4 +0.1 27.5 added book to inventory B00CP715DM Antonia (Italia) 2014/11/30
27.3 +0.1 27.4 added book to inventory B00AI7HP3U Antonia (Italia) 2014/11/30
27.2 +0.1 27.3 added book to inventory 8817114472 Antonia (Italia) 2014/11/30
26.2 +1 27.2 gave points for mooch request B00M39T2TQ Madda (Italia) 2014/11/21
25.2 +1 26.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 880617391X Selene (Ireland) 2014/11/08
26.2 -1 25.2 deducted points for mooch request 8843038435 emyjane (Italia) 2014/11/08
25.2 +1 26.2 gave points for mooch request 880455987X Dany_sc (Italia) 2014/10/14
24.2 +1 25.2 gave points for mooch request B00JANOM20 Alessandra Mela77 (Italia) 2014/10/12
25.2 -1 24.2 deducted points for mooch request 8806168053 elimoussaka (Italia) 2014/10/11
26.2 -1 25.2 mooch cancelled by requestor B006GF89WO max71 (Italia) 2014/10/09
27.2 -1 26.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 8804550945 max71 (Italia) 2014/10/08
26.2 +1 27.2 gave points for mooch request B006GF89WO max71 (Italia) 2014/10/05
25.2 +1 26.2 gave points for mooch request 8804550945 max71 (Italia) 2014/10/04
24.2 +1 25.2 mooch rejected by book owner 880617858X Fabio (Italia) 2014/09/30
23.2 +1 24.2 gave points for mooch request 8804316799 Fadima (Italia) 2014/09/29
24.2 -1 23.2 deducted points for mooch request 880617391X Selene (Ireland) 2014/09/22
25.2 -1 24.2 deducted points for mooch request 880617858X Fabio (Italia) 2014/09/19
26.2 -1 25.2 deducted points for mooch request 8817150630 Laura (Italia) 2014/09/15
25.2 +1 26.2 gave points for mooch request B00939RCMS Lariary (Italia) 2014/09/12
24.2 +1 25.2 gave points for mooch request B00EPIVKEI milly86100 (Italia) 2014/09/12
23.2 +1 24.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 8804492643 Amedeo (Italia) 2014/09/11
22.2 +1 23.2 gave points for mooch request 8804598727 Federica (Italia) 2014/09/03
21.2 +1 22.2 gave points for mooch request 8804591269 Paolo (Italia) 2014/09/02
20.2 +1 21.2 gave points for mooch request B00B4HEVAI Patrizia (Italia) 2014/08/29
19.2 +1 20.2 gave points for mooch request B008DSD9Y0 Raffaella Moretti (Italia) 2014/08/27
18.2 +1 19.2 gave points for mooch request 8878240087 Vanessa (Italia) 2014/08/25
17.2 +1 18.2 gave points for mooch request 8804573317 Starlight (Italia) 2014/08/23
17.1 +0.1 17.2 added book to inventory B00DG8G78W Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/22
17 +0.1 17.1 added book to inventory 8811685818 Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/22
16.9 +0.1 17 added book to inventory B00649N9TU Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/22
16.8 +0.1 16.9 added book to inventory 8882743160 Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/22
16.7 +0.1 16.8 added book to inventory B006GFF4G8 Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/22
16.6 +0.1 16.7 added book to inventory B001DAI22E Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/22
16.5 +0.1 16.6 added book to inventory B00I9JZMIO Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/22
16.4 +0.1 16.5 added book to inventory 8804573317 Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/22
16.3 +0.1 16.4 added book to inventory B006GF89WO Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/22
16.2 +0.1 16.3 added book to inventory B00B4HEVAI Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/22
16.1 +0.1 16.2 added book to inventory B0098MSTUE Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/22
16 +0.1 16.1 added book to inventory B00M39T2TQ Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/22
15.9 +0.1 16 added book to inventory 8878240087 Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/22
15.8 +0.1 15.9 added book to inventory B00ENM5HQI Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/22
15.7 +0.1 15.8 added book to inventory B00EPIVKEI Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/22
15.6 +0.1 15.7 added book to inventory B007CFMA18 Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/22
15.5 +0.1 15.6 added book to inventory B00AXZ2EOW Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/22
15.4 +0.1 15.5 added book to inventory B00F6UZEV4 Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/22
15.3 +0.1 15.4 added book to inventory B00JUX9Z40 Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/22
15.2 +0.1 15.3 added book to inventory B00DVHNESY Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/22
15.1 +0.1 15.2 added book to inventory B005ELZ3BG Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/22
15 +0.1 15.1 added book to inventory B00GAXVJ7Y Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/22
14.9 +0.1 15 added book to inventory B00DIBOB9E Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/22
14.8 +0.1 14.9 added book to inventory 8860612829 Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/22
14.7 +0.1 14.8 added book to inventory B0053GQZ3C Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/22
14.6 +0.1 14.7 added book to inventory B006GFISAM Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/22
14.5 +0.1 14.6 added book to inventory B005ELZAMI Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/22
14.4 +0.1 14.5 added book to inventory 8804316799 Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/22
14.3 +0.1 14.4 added book to inventory B00ETIJK8M Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
14.2 +0.1 14.3 added book to inventory B00KCTNWWM Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
14.1 +0.1 14.2 added book to inventory B00DG8FMBU Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
14 +0.1 14.1 added book to inventory B00939RCMS Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
13.9 +0.1 14 added book to inventory B005WYX8XA Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
13.8 +0.1 13.9 added book to inventory 0091818931 Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
13.7 +0.1 13.8 added book to inventory 8804331186 Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
13.6 +0.1 13.7 added book to inventory 8804300426 Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
13.5 +0.1 13.6 added book to inventory B007JTJL78 Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
13.4 +0.1 13.5 added book to inventory B005ELZQ36 Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
13.3 +0.1 13.4 added book to inventory B006GEA2O8 Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
13.2 +0.1 13.3 added book to inventory B007WDECP2 Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
13.1 +0.1 13.2 added book to inventory B009DG8BUI Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
13 +0.1 13.1 added book to inventory B00ISQ726S Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
12.9 +0.1 13 added book to inventory B006GF485G Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
12.8 +0.1 12.9 added book to inventory 8804319321 Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
12.7 +0.1 12.8 added book to inventory B00EOX8092 Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
12.6 +0.1 12.7 added book to inventory B00B1P8SJS Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
12.5 +0.1 12.6 added book to inventory B00EXV3KBI Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
12.4 +0.1 12.5 added book to inventory B008DSD9Y0 Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
12.3 +0.1 12.4 added book to inventory B00803PS56 Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
12.2 +0.1 12.3 added book to inventory 8860615828 Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
12.1 +0.1 12.2 added book to inventory B005ELYEXO Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
12 +0.1 12.1 added book to inventory B00DG8HKEW Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
11.9 +0.1 12 added book to inventory B006GE3RD6 Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
11.8 +0.1 11.9 added book to inventory B00CUI8G2O Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
11.7 +0.1 11.8 added book to inventory B006GE4GSQ Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
11.6 +0.1 11.7 added book to inventory B00A18UFOC Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
11.5 +0.1 11.6 added book to inventory B0074O5R08 Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
11.4 +0.1 11.5 added book to inventory B000YPQH0S Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
11.3 +0.1 11.4 added book to inventory B006GF4P8G Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
11.2 +0.1 11.3 added book to inventory B005V0GIL4 Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
11.1 +0.1 11.2 added book to inventory 8882745317 Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
11 +0.1 11.1 added book to inventory B0075M0TUC Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
10.9 +0.1 11 added book to inventory B00I1JUOJE Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
10.8 +0.1 10.9 added book to inventory B009DFZ9NQ Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
10.7 +0.1 10.8 added book to inventory B00DVHOHWG Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
10.6 +0.1 10.7 added book to inventory B00HFX0LU4 Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
10.5 +0.1 10.6 added book to inventory B008R8WKVO Antonia (Italia) 2014/08/21
11.5 -1 10.5 deducted points for mooch request 8817058467 Mo (Italia) 2014/08/05
10.5 +1 11.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 8804492791 giulia (Italia) 2014/08/02
11.5 -1 10.5 deducted points for mooch request 8806174193 Erika Serra (Italia) 2014/07/25
12.5 -1 11.5 deducted points for mooch request 8806173499 Erika Serra (Italia) 2014/07/25
11.5 +1 12.5 gave points for mooch request 880460865X Serena Conte (Italia) 2014/07/21
10.5 +1 11.5 gave points for mooch request 8804521597 Ecate (Italia) 2014/07/20
11.5 -1 10.5 deducted points for mooch request 8817202932 Marta85 (Italia) 2014/07/19
12.5 -1 11.5 deducted points for mooch request 9788806174989 Marta85 (Italia) 2014/07/19
11.5 +1 12.5 mooch rejected by book owner 8806177060 Sara Dalla Palma (Italia) 2014/07/18
12.5 -1 11.5 deducted points for mooch request 8806177060 Sara Dalla Palma (Italia) 2014/07/18
11.5 +1 12.5 gave points for mooch request B00JB8E70Q Dany_sc (Italia) 2014/07/15
10.5 +1 11.5 gave points for mooch request 9788876250361 piffetta (Italia) 2014/07/14
9.5 +1 10.5 gave points for mooch request 8022264758123 piffetta (Italia) 2014/07/14
8.5 +1 9.5 gave points for mooch request B00I046912 alicenelpaesedeilibri (Italy) 2014/07/09
8.4 +0.1 8.5 added book to inventory 880460865X Antonia (Italia) 2014/07/08
9.4 -1 8.4 deducted points for mooch request 8804492791 giulia (Italia) 2014/07/07
10.4 -1 9.4 deducted points for mooch request 8804492643 Amedeo (Italia) 2014/07/07
9.4 +1 10.4 gave points for mooch request 8860616131 Elisa C (Italia) 2014/07/05
8.4 +1 9.4 gave points for mooch request 8804577029 Gessica (Italia) 2014/07/02
7.4 +1 8.4 gave points for mooch request 8877827025 Licia (Italia) 2014/06/29
7.5 -0.1 7.4 removed book from inventory 886061113X Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/28
6.5 +1 7.5 gave points for mooch request 8882466213 Deborah (Italia) 2014/06/28
5.5 +1 6.5 gave points for mooch request 8852209557 ti (Italia) 2014/06/27
5.4 +0.1 5.5 added book to inventory 8804550945 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/27
5.3 +0.1 5.4 added book to inventory 8850219563 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/27
5.2 +0.1 5.3 added book to inventory 8860616131 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/27
5.1 +0.1 5.2 added book to inventory 8809035976 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/27
5 +0.1 5.1 added book to inventory 8838436487 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/27
4 +1 5 gave points for mooch request 8817026131 valelibri (Italia) 2014/06/26
3.9 +0.1 4 added book to inventory 8804577029 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/26
3.8 +0.1 3.9 added book to inventory 8882466213 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/26
3.7 +0.1 3.8 added book to inventory 8854116912 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/26
3.6 +0.1 3.7 added book to inventory 9788897724025 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/26
2.6 +1 3.6 gave points for mooch request 8863800065 Lisa (Italia) 2014/06/25
3.6 -1 2.6 deducted points for mooch request 8806116053 Ziqutra (Italia) 2014/06/25
4.6 -1 3.6 deducted points for mooch request 884591982X Simonetta (Italia) 2014/06/25
3.6 +1 4.6 gave points for mooch request 8850225083 Michela Benetti Thalita (Italia) 2014/06/25
4.6 -1 3.6 deducted points for mooch request 8806138383 alessandra (Italia) 2014/06/25
4.5 +0.1 4.6 added book to inventory 8817056359 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/25
4.4 +0.1 4.5 added book to inventory 8804448687 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/25
4.3 +0.1 4.4 added book to inventory 8886845383 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/25
4.2 +0.1 4.3 added book to inventory 8877690070 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/25
4.1 +0.1 4.2 added book to inventory 8804416238 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/25
4 +0.1 4.1 added book to inventory 8804598727 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/25
3.9 +0.1 4 added book to inventory B00I046912 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/25
3.8 +0.1 3.9 added book to inventory 8868360640 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/25
3.7 +0.1 3.8 added book to inventory 8817026131 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/25
3.6 +0.1 3.7 added book to inventory 8804591269 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/25
3.5 +0.1 3.6 added book to inventory 8863800065 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/25
3.4 +0.1 3.5 added book to inventory 8852209557 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/25
3.3 +0.1 3.4 added book to inventory 8850225083 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/25
3.2 +0.1 3.3 added book to inventory 886061113X Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/25
2.2 +1 3.2 gave points for mooch request 8804620307 Eva (Italia) 2014/06/24
2.3 -0.1 2.2 removed book from inventory B00IWZ6OXC Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/24
2.2 +0.1 2.3 added book to inventory 8877827025 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/24
2.1 +0.1 2.2 added book to inventory 8804620307 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/24
2 +0.1 2.1 added book to inventory B00IWZ6OXC Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/24
3 -1 2 deducted points for mooch request 8804487739 Sonia (Italia) 2014/06/24
2.9 +0.1 3 added book to inventory 880455987X Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/24
1.9 +1 2.9 gave points for mooch request 8809046951 ReFiloscio (Italia) 2014/06/24
0.9 +1 1.9 gave points for mooch request 8855527215 ReFiloscio (Italia) 2014/06/24
0.8 +0.1 0.9 added book to inventory B00JANOM20 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/24
0.7 +0.1 0.8 added book to inventory 8809046951 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/24
0.6 +0.1 0.7 added book to inventory 8022264758123 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/24
0.7 -0.1 0.6 removed book from inventory BM1403598220160213852 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/24
0.6 +0.1 0.7 added book to inventory 8022264751018 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/24
0.5 +0.1 0.6 added book to inventory 8808079074 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/24
0.4 +0.1 0.5 added book to inventory 8855527215 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/24
0.3 +0.1 0.4 added book to inventory B00JB8E70Q Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/24
0.2 +0.1 0.3 added book to inventory BM1403598220160213852 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/24
0.1 +0.1 0.2 added book to inventory 9788876250361 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/24
0 +0.1 0.1 added book to inventory 8804521597 Antonia (Italia) 2014/06/24