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Points analysis

Name: HeatherAnne (USA: WA)
User ID: carlon
Points: 0.1

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
50.4 -1 49.4 deducted points for mooch request 0883683873 Dodie (USA: NC) 2012/07/27
51.4 -1 50.4 deducted points for mooch request 0345321200 Lee Diffin (USA: ME) 2012/07/27
52.4 -1 51.4 deducted points for mooch request 1587264323 Sue Eble (USA: IN) 2012/07/27
53.4 -1 52.4 deducted points for mooch request 0811867846 shelby shreaves (USA: WV) 2012/07/24
52.4 +1 53.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0764204076 Shelby (USA) 2012/07/24
53.4 -1 52.4 deducted points for mooch request 0140501983 Mary (USA: SC) 2012/07/23
52.4 +1 53.4 mooch rejected by book owner 0875967957 Elizabeth Baker (USA: TX) 2012/07/16
53.4 -1 52.4 deducted points for mooch request 0151686564 teresa (USA: NJ) 2012/07/16
54.4 -1 53.4 deducted points for mooch request 0875967957 Elizabeth Baker (USA: TX) 2012/07/16
55.4 -1 54.4 deducted points for mooch request 0743292650 Jen Eisenberg (USA) 2012/07/14
55.5 -0.1 55.4 removed book from inventory 0824912357 HeatherAnne (USA: WA) 2012/07/10
55.6 -0.1 55.5 removed book from inventory 0895423111 HeatherAnne (USA: WA) 2012/07/10
55.7 -0.1 55.6 removed book from inventory 0824910141 HeatherAnne (USA: WA) 2012/07/10
55.8 -0.1 55.7 removed book from inventory 0824911113 HeatherAnne (USA: WA) 2012/07/10
55.9 -0.1 55.8 removed book from inventory 0824912101 HeatherAnne (USA: WA) 2012/07/10
56 -0.1 55.9 removed book from inventory 0880701749 HeatherAnne (USA: WA) 2012/07/10
56.1 -0.1 56 removed book from inventory 0836218779 HeatherAnne (USA: WA) 2012/07/10
56.2 -0.1 56.1 removed book from inventory 0394741919 HeatherAnne (USA: WA) 2012/07/10
56.3 -0.1 56.2 removed book from inventory 0849977185 HeatherAnne (USA: WA) 2012/07/10
56.4 -0.1 56.3 removed book from inventory B003OF79IY HeatherAnne (USA: WA) 2012/07/10
56.5 -0.1 56.4 removed book from inventory 0918805112 HeatherAnne (USA: WA) 2012/07/10
56.6 -0.1 56.5 removed book from inventory 0836220978 HeatherAnne (USA: WA) 2012/07/10
56.7 -0.1 56.6 removed book from inventory 038524648X HeatherAnne (USA: WA) 2012/07/10
56.8 -0.1 56.7 removed book from inventory 0891418466 HeatherAnne (USA: WA) 2012/07/10
56.9 -0.1 56.8 removed book from inventory 0890819343 HeatherAnne (USA: WA) 2012/07/10
57 -0.1 56.9 removed book from inventory 0525400400 HeatherAnne (USA: WA) 2012/07/10
57.1 -0.1 57 removed book from inventory B000WN5OTW HeatherAnne (USA: WA) 2012/07/10
57.2 -0.1 57.1 removed book from inventory 0451519248 HeatherAnne (USA: WA) 2012/07/10
57.3 -0.1 57.2 removed book from inventory 1591450802 HeatherAnne (USA: WA) 2012/07/10
58.3 -1 57.3 deducted points for mooch request 0060256672 Curt (USA: VA) 2012/07/08
59.3 -1 58.3 deducted points for mooch request 0192833987 Curt (USA: VA) 2012/07/08
60.3 -1 59.3 deducted points for mooch request 0764204076 Shelby (USA) 2012/07/02
60.2 +0.1 60.3 added book to inventory 0890819343 HeatherAnne (USA: WA) 2012/06/16
59.2 +1 60.2 gave points for mooch request 0785288791 Candace (USA: MO) 2012/06/15
58.2 +1 59.2 gave points for mooch request 0976364239 ar (USA: VA) 2012/06/14
57.2 +1 58.2 gave points for mooch request 0879077050 PastorRoy (USA: WV) 2012/06/10
58.2 -1 57.2 deducted points for mooch request 0767927001 DebbL (USA: PA) 2012/06/10
58.3 -0.1 58.2 removed book from inventory 0321510453 HeatherAnne (USA: WA) 2012/06/09
58.4 -0.1 58.3 removed book from inventory 0321430840 HeatherAnne (USA: WA) 2012/06/09
57.4 +1 58.4 gave points for mooch request 0321492021 keyi (USA: OK) 2012/06/09
56.4 +1 57.4 gave points for mooch request 0824523148 Grad Student Book Group (USA) 2012/06/09
55.4 +1 56.4 gave points for mooch request 0785263705 Belizeit (USA: PA) 2012/06/09
55.3 +0.1 55.4 added book to inventory 0321510453 HeatherAnne (USA: WA) 2012/06/09
55.2 +0.1 55.3 added book to inventory 0321430840 HeatherAnne (USA: WA) 2012/06/09
55.1 +0.1 55.2 added book to inventory 0321492021 HeatherAnne (USA: WA) 2012/06/09
55 +0.1 55.1 added book to inventory 0879077050 HeatherAnne (USA: WA) 2012/06/09
54.9 +0.1 55 added book to inventory 0824523148 HeatherAnne (USA: WA) 2012/06/09
54.8 +0.1 54.9 added book to inventory 0785288791 HeatherAnne (USA: WA) 2012/06/09
54.7 +0.1 54.8 added book to inventory 0976364239 HeatherAnne (USA: WA) 2012/06/09
54.6 +0.1 54.7 added book to inventory B0051BXTPG HeatherAnne (USA: WA) 2012/06/09