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Points analysis

Name: Daniela M. (USA: TX)
User ID: danielapm987
Points: 2

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
3 -1 2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0743273567 Steff C (USA: NC) 2020/06/25
4 -1 3 mooch cancelled by requestor B003F76HBG Beth (USA: MI) 2020/02/07
5 -1 4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0393317552 Sue (USA: PA) 2020/02/03
6 -1 5 mooch cancelled by requestor 0143039431 mistermysterio (USA: NY) 2019/07/20
7 -1 6 mooch cancelled by requestor 9780385737951 Miranda (USA: OR) 2019/07/17
8 -1 7 mooch cancelled by requestor 1593080255 D.Roberts (USA: NY) 2019/07/14
9 -1 8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0060929871 D.Roberts (USA: NY) 2019/07/14
10 -1 9 mooch cancelled by requestor 0385738765 lollie (USA: IN) 2019/06/07
11 -1 10 mooch cancelled by requestor 0385742894 wss4 (USA: FL) 2019/05/31
12 -1 11 mooch cancelled by requestor B0082PRE72 Phyllis (USA: FL) 2019/05/22
11 +1 12 gave points for mooch request B003F76HBG Beth (USA: MI) 2019/05/21
10 +1 11 gave points for mooch request B0082PRE72 Phyllis (USA: FL) 2019/05/18
9 +1 10 gave points for mooch request 0743273567 Steff C (USA: NC) 2019/05/16
10 -1 9 mooch cancelled by requestor 030681739X Mark (USA: FL) 2019/05/08
9 +1 10 gave points for mooch request 0143039431 mistermysterio (USA: NY) 2019/05/04
8 +1 9 gave points for mooch request 1593080255 D.Roberts (USA: NY) 2019/05/04
7 +1 8 gave points for mooch request 0385738765 lollie (USA: IN) 2019/05/03
6 +1 7 gave points for mooch request 0393317552 Sue (USA: PA) 2019/04/30
5 +1 6 gave points for mooch request 9780385737951 Miranda (USA: OR) 2019/04/27
4 +1 5 gave points for mooch request 0385742894 wss4 (USA: FL) 2019/04/27
5 -1 4 deducted points for mooch request 0767914767 Kassie (USA: AR) 2019/04/26
4 +1 5 gave points for mooch request 0060929871 D.Roberts (USA: NY) 2019/04/25
3 +1 4 gave points for mooch request 030681739X Mark (USA: FL) 2019/04/24
2.9 +0.1 3 added book to inventory 0385742894 Daniela M. (USA: TX) 2019/04/24
2.8 +0.1 2.9 added book to inventory 0385738781 Daniela M. (USA: TX) 2019/04/24
2.7 +0.1 2.8 added book to inventory 0385738765 Daniela M. (USA: TX) 2019/04/24
2.6 +0.1 2.7 added book to inventory 9780385737951 Daniela M. (USA: TX) 2019/04/24
2.5 +0.1 2.6 added book to inventory B003F76HBG Daniela M. (USA: TX) 2019/04/24
2.4 +0.1 2.5 added book to inventory 0439023513 Daniela M. (USA: TX) 2019/04/24
2.3 +0.1 2.4 added book to inventory 1593080255 Daniela M. (USA: TX) 2019/04/24
2.2 +0.1 2.3 added book to inventory 0062015761 Daniela M. (USA: TX) 2019/04/24
2.1 +0.1 2.2 added book to inventory B0082PRE72 Daniela M. (USA: TX) 2019/04/24
2 +0.1 2.1 added book to inventory 030681739X Daniela M. (USA: TX) 2019/04/24
1 +1 2 gave points for mooch request 0689801491 Alyssa (USA: TN) 2019/04/24
0.9 +0.1 1 added book to inventory 0393317552 Daniela M. (USA: TX) 2019/04/23
0.8 +0.1 0.9 added book to inventory 159463193X Daniela M. (USA: TX) 2019/04/23
0.7 +0.1 0.8 added book to inventory 0140288503 Daniela M. (USA: TX) 2019/04/23
0.8 -0.1 0.7 removed book from inventory 0140288503 Daniela M. (USA: TX) 2019/04/23
0.7 +0.1 0.8 added book to inventory 0140288503 Daniela M. (USA: TX) 2019/04/23
0.6 +0.1 0.7 added book to inventory 0679755330 Daniela M. (USA: TX) 2019/04/23
0.5 +0.1 0.6 added book to inventory 0060929871 Daniela M. (USA: TX) 2019/04/23
0.4 +0.1 0.5 added book to inventory 0743273567 Daniela M. (USA: TX) 2019/04/23
0.3 +0.1 0.4 added book to inventory 0143039431 Daniela M. (USA: TX) 2019/04/23
0.2 +0.1 0.3 added book to inventory 0689801491 Daniela M. (USA: TX) 2019/04/23
0.1 +0.1 0.2 added book to inventory 0062376330 Daniela M. (USA: TX) 2019/04/23
0.2 -0.1 0.1 removed book from inventory 0007523165 Daniela M. (USA: TX) 2019/04/23
0.1 +0.1 0.2 added book to inventory 052542802X Daniela M. (USA: TX) 2019/04/23
0 +0.1 0.1 added book to inventory 0007523165 Daniela M. (USA: TX) 2019/04/23