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Points analysis

Name: Bettina (Finland)
User ID: etiosa
Points: 43.3

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
40.3 +3 43.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 9100564516 Peggy (USA: MD) 2018/01/02
40.4 -0.1 40.3 removed book from inventory 9146200347 Bettina (Finland) 2015/07/28
40.5 -0.1 40.4 removed book from inventory 9187319284 Bettina (Finland) 2015/07/28
40.6 -0.1 40.5 removed book from inventory 074931057X Bettina (Finland) 2015/07/28
40.7 -0.1 40.6 removed book from inventory 1568491719 Bettina (Finland) 2015/07/28
40.8 -0.1 40.7 removed book from inventory 917028069X Bettina (Finland) 2015/07/28
40.9 -0.1 40.8 removed book from inventory 9780425216255 Bettina (Finland) 2015/07/28
41 -0.1 40.9 removed book from inventory 0307279235 Bettina (Finland) 2015/07/28
41.1 -0.1 41 removed book from inventory 9780751538755 Bettina (Finland) 2015/07/28
41.2 -0.1 41.1 removed book from inventory 9163817748 Bettina (Finland) 2015/07/28
41.3 -0.1 41.2 removed book from inventory 0552150290 Bettina (Finland) 2015/07/28
41.4 -0.1 41.3 removed book from inventory 9780425236284 Bettina (Finland) 2015/07/28
41.5 -0.1 41.4 removed book from inventory 915343613X Bettina (Finland) 2015/07/28
41.6 -0.1 41.5 removed book from inventory 0091926718 Bettina (Finland) 2015/07/28
41.7 -0.1 41.6 removed book from inventory 0380718332 Bettina (Finland) 2015/07/28
41.8 -0.1 41.7 removed book from inventory 9137121901 Bettina (Finland) 2015/07/28
41.7 +0.1 41.8 added book to inventory 9163817748 Bettina (Finland) 2015/05/27
41.6 +0.1 41.7 added book to inventory 917028069X Bettina (Finland) 2015/05/27
41.5 +0.1 41.6 added book to inventory 1568491719 Bettina (Finland) 2015/05/08
41.4 +0.1 41.5 added book to inventory 915343613X Bettina (Finland) 2015/04/10
38.4 +3 41.4 gave points for mooch request 0312987854 Lori (Canada) 2015/04/05
35.4 +3 38.4 gave points for mooch request 0099559773 JanEee (USA: WA) 2015/03/25
38.4 -3 35.4 deducted points for mooch request 0241956536 homsan (Sweden) 2015/03/25
38.3 +0.1 38.4 added book to inventory 0099559773 Bettina (Finland) 2015/03/25
38.2 +0.1 38.3 added book to inventory 9146200347 Bettina (Finland) 2015/03/25
38.1 +0.1 38.2 added book to inventory 9187319284 Bettina (Finland) 2015/03/25
38 +0.1 38.1 added book to inventory 0552150290 Bettina (Finland) 2015/03/25
37.9 +0.1 38 added book to inventory 9780425236284 Bettina (Finland) 2015/03/25
37.8 +0.1 37.9 added book to inventory 9780751538755 Bettina (Finland) 2015/03/25
37.7 +0.1 37.8 added book to inventory 0380718332 Bettina (Finland) 2015/03/25
37.6 +0.1 37.7 added book to inventory 0312987854 Bettina (Finland) 2015/03/25
37.5 +0.1 37.6 added book to inventory 0307279235 Bettina (Finland) 2015/03/25
38.5 -1 37.5 deducted points for mooch request 9789170015809 Kimmo Rautanen (Finland) 2015/03/25
41.5 -3 38.5 deducted points for mooch request 9100564516 Peggy (USA: MD) 2015/03/24
44.5 -3 41.5 deducted points for mooch request 9173373494 elsa (Sweden) 2015/03/24
44.4 +0.1 44.5 added book to inventory 0091926718 Bettina (Finland) 2015/03/24
47.4 -3 44.4 deducted points for mooch request 0312562780 Brittny (Japan) 2015/03/12
50.4 -3 47.4 deducted points for mooch request 1451617739 nikki (Australia) 2015/01/19
47.4 +3 50.4 gave points for mooch request 0141346094 Kim H. (USA: PA) 2014/10/20
50.4 -3 47.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0141346094 Erin (USA: WA) 2014/10/20
47.4 +3 50.4 gave points for mooch request 0141346094 Erin (USA: WA) 2014/09/21
47.3 +0.1 47.4 added book to inventory 0141346094 Bettina (Finland) 2014/09/21
47.4 -0.1 47.3 removed book from inventory 9155211569 Bettina (Finland) 2014/08/11
44.4 +3 47.4 gave points for mooch request 0297843575 Sqbine (France) 2014/07/26
44.3 +0.1 44.4 added book to inventory 0297843575 Bettina (Finland) 2014/07/26
47.3 -3 44.3 deducted points for mooch request 1891105035 Michelle (Canada) 2014/07/26
44.3 +3 47.3 gave points for mooch request 1846814014 Frances (United Kingdom) 2014/06/28
47.3 -3 44.3 deducted points for mooch request 0297843575 ariazar (United Kingdom) 2014/04/14
47.2 +0.1 47.3 added book to inventory 9137121901 Bettina (Finland) 2014/04/14
47.1 +0.1 47.2 added book to inventory 1846814014 Bettina (Finland) 2014/04/14