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Points analysis

Name: Gogol_lau (Italia)
User ID: gogol_lau
Points: 2.3

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
1.3 +1 2.3 mooch cancelled by requestor B00P1CQ3B2 argentenar (Italy) 2021/05/08
2.3 -1 1.3 deducted points for mooch request B00P1CQ3B2 argentenar (Italy) 2021/05/08
3.3 -1 2.3 deducted points for mooch request BM15425607084360264 Francabors (Italy) 2021/05/01
2.3 +1 3.3 mooch cancelled by requestor B00P1CQ3B2 argentenar (Italy) 2021/05/01
3.3 -1 2.3 deducted points for mooch request B007N62KR0 ala (Italia) 2021/04/29
2.3 +1 3.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 8839060146 Ipparchia (Italia) 2021/04/29
3.3 -1 2.3 deducted points for mooch request B00P1CQ3B2 argentenar (Italy) 2021/04/29
2.3 +1 3.3 gave points for mooch request 885650183X Lorenzo (Italy) 2021/04/29
1.3 +1 2.3 mooch cancelled by requestor BM1388688427136881356 Marino Silvestri (Italia) 2021/04/28
2.3 -1 1.3 deducted points for mooch request 8839060146 Ipparchia (Italia) 2021/04/16
3.3 -1 2.3 deducted points for mooch request BM1388688427136881356 Marino Silvestri (Italia) 2021/04/16
2.3 +1 3.3 gave points for mooch request BM1600530607276529557 diegogeid (Italia) 2021/03/30
1.3 +1 2.3 gave points for mooch request BM1411427125482850306 diegogeid (Italia) 2021/03/30
1.2 +0.1 1.3 added book to inventory 8893813521 Gogol_lau (Italia) 2021/03/28
1.1 +0.1 1.2 added book to inventory BM1410255784540441843 Gogol_lau (Italia) 2021/03/28
1 +0.1 1.1 added book to inventory BM1600530607276529557 Gogol_lau (Italia) 2021/03/28
0.9 +0.1 1 added book to inventory BM1411427125482850306 Gogol_lau (Italia) 2021/03/28
0.8 +0.1 0.9 added book to inventory 8842500461 Gogol_lau (Italia) 2021/03/28
0.7 +0.1 0.8 added book to inventory BM1515756626713138096 Gogol_lau (Italia) 2021/03/28
0.6 +0.1 0.7 added book to inventory BM1361647214316695541 Gogol_lau (Italia) 2021/03/28
0.5 +0.1 0.6 added book to inventory 8846203410 Gogol_lau (Italia) 2021/03/28
0.4 +0.1 0.5 added book to inventory BM1265908545118656683 Gogol_lau (Italia) 2021/03/28
0.3 +0.1 0.4 added book to inventory B005ELXBOW Gogol_lau (Italia) 2021/03/28
0.2 +0.1 0.3 added book to inventory BM1310545576460269528 Gogol_lau (Italia) 2021/03/28
0.1 +0.1 0.2 added book to inventory 1146696744 Gogol_lau (Italia) 2021/03/28
0 +0.1 0.1 added book to inventory 885650183X Gogol_lau (Italia) 2021/03/28