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Points analysis

Name: Jessica (USA: NY)
User ID: jbk211
Points: 281.6

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
282.6 -1 281.6 deducted points for mooch request 1594489998 Britt (USA: NH) 2024/08/18
281.6 +1 282.6 mooch rejected by book owner 078686219X Sue (USA: PA) 2024/08/14
282.6 -1 281.6 deducted points for mooch request B0013V5IAC Grad Student Book Group (USA) 2024/08/11
283.6 -1 282.6 deducted points for mooch request B0047MELQ6 S&L (USA: FL) 2024/08/11
284.6 -1 283.6 deducted points for mooch request 078686219X Sue (USA: PA) 2024/08/11
285.6 -1 284.6 gave a smooch Eliot () 2024/08/09
286.6 -1 285.6 gave a smooch Eliot () 2024/08/09
287.6 -1 286.6 gave a smooch Eliot () 2024/08/09
288.6 -1 287.6 gave a smooch Eliot () 2024/08/09
289.6 -1 288.6 gave a smooch Eliot () 2024/08/09
290.6 -1 289.6 deducted points for mooch request 0062004670 Kathy (USA: MI) 2023/07/18
291.6 -1 290.6 deducted points for mooch request 0312372116 loriped (USA: OR) 2023/07/18
292.6 -1 291.6 deducted points for mooch request 006112494X loriped (USA: OR) 2023/07/18
291.6 +1 292.6 gave points for mooch request 0743418174 Alyssa (USA: TN) 2023/06/20
291.5 +0.1 291.6 added book to inventory 0743418174 Jessica (USA: NY) 2023/06/19
290.5 +1 291.5 gave points for mooch request 1501133519 Nally (USA: NY) 2023/04/02
289.5 +1 290.5 gave points for mooch request 0307357813 vjconnor (USA: TX) 2023/02/15
289.4 +0.1 289.5 added book to inventory 1501133519 Jessica (USA: NY) 2023/02/13
289.3 +0.1 289.4 added book to inventory 0307357813 Jessica (USA: NY) 2023/02/13
290.3 -1 289.3 deducted points for mooch request 0743418174 Christine (USA: KS) 2023/02/13
290.4 -0.1 290.3 removed book from inventory 0821761838 Jessica (USA: NY) 2023/02/13
290.5 -0.1 290.4 removed book from inventory 0451210239 Jessica (USA: NY) 2023/02/13
290.6 -0.1 290.5 removed book from inventory 0451138023 Jessica (USA: NY) 2023/02/13
290.7 -0.1 290.6 removed book from inventory 0451238435 Jessica (USA: NY) 2023/02/13
290.8 -0.1 290.7 removed book from inventory BM1566675983237158554 Jessica (USA: NY) 2023/02/13
291.8 -1 290.8 deducted points for mooch request 0875964125 Erin (USA: AZ) 2022/04/27
292.8 -1 291.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0451238435 nomoredrivin (USA: MD) 2022/04/06
291.8 +1 292.8 gave points for mooch request 0451238435 nomoredrivin (USA: MD) 2022/04/05
291.9 -0.1 291.8 removed book from inventory 0821764624 Jessica (USA: NY) 2021/07/11
292 -0.1 291.9 removed book from inventory 0758204310 Jessica (USA: NY) 2021/07/11
291.9 +0.1 292 added book to inventory 0758204310 Jessica (USA: NY) 2021/07/07
291.8 +0.1 291.9 added book to inventory 0451238435 Jessica (USA: NY) 2021/07/05
292.8 -1 291.8 deducted points for mooch request 0786867752 Ralph (USA: KY) 2021/03/18
293.8 -1 292.8 deducted points for mooch request 0373698690 Jean Wiant (USA: PA) 2021/03/07
294.8 -1 293.8 deducted points for mooch request 0373699328 Jean Wiant (USA: PA) 2021/03/07
294.9 -0.1 294.8 removed book from inventory 0821770160 Jessica (USA: NY) 2021/02/08
295 -0.1 294.9 removed book from inventory 0821759566 Jessica (USA: NY) 2021/02/08
295.1 -0.1 295 removed book from inventory 0821756206 Jessica (USA: NY) 2021/02/08
295.2 -0.1 295.1 removed book from inventory 0312943458 Jessica (USA: NY) 2021/02/08
295.3 -0.1 295.2 removed book from inventory 0821771787 Jessica (USA: NY) 2021/02/08
295.4 -0.1 295.3 removed book from inventory 0451158059 Jessica (USA: NY) 2021/02/08
294.4 +1 295.4 gave points for mooch request 0751571938 Leslie (USA: NY) 2021/02/07
294.3 +0.1 294.4 added book to inventory 0751571938 Jessica (USA: NY) 2021/02/07
293.3 +1 294.3 gave points for mooch request 1439145261 Nancy (USA: NY) 2021/01/17
293.2 +0.1 293.3 added book to inventory 0821764624 Jessica (USA: NY) 2021/01/02
294.2 -1 293.2 gave a smooch Eliot () 2021/01/02
295.2 -1 294.2 gave a smooch Eliot () 2021/01/02
295.1 +0.1 295.2 added book to inventory BM1566675983237158554 Jessica (USA: NY) 2021/01/02
295.2 -0.1 295.1 removed book from inventory 0821775200 Jessica (USA: NY) 2020/10/06
296.2 -1 295.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 1439145261 loriped (USA: OR) 2020/08/02