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Points analysis

Name: Becca (USA: NY)
User ID: rtyson
Points: 22.3

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
23.3 -1 22.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0385424000 ladykhalia (USA: CA) 2022/02/11
22.3 +1 23.3 gave points for mooch request 0385424000 ladykhalia (USA: CA) 2022/02/06
22.2 +0.1 22.3 added book to inventory 0446610135 Becca (USA: NY) 2020/07/07
21.2 +1 22.2 gave points for mooch request 0545274257 Kasey Wink (USA: NE) 2020/05/13
20.2 +1 21.2 gave points for mooch request 1402745826 Andrew Wiecek (USA: NJ) 2020/04/29
19.2 +1 20.2 gave points for mooch request B0012G4NO0 Jim Scott (USA: CA) 2019/11/29
18.2 +1 19.2 gave points for mooch request 0385420161 BrokenGirlSoldier (USA: WA) 2019/10/04
19.2 -1 18.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0385420161 PamC (USA: NY) 2019/09/27
18.2 +1 19.2 gave points for mooch request 0385420161 PamC (USA: NY) 2019/09/03
17.2 +1 18.2 gave points for mooch request 0671424602 Lucas Borges (USA) 2018/11/05
20.2 -3 17.2 mooch rejected by book owner 0312367546 Adelina (Finland) 2018/10/14
20.3 -0.1 20.2 removing book from inventory 0312367546 Becca (USA: NY) 2018/10/14
23.3 -3 20.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0671424602 Robert Palk (United Kingdom) 2018/10/13
22.3 +1 23.3 gave points for mooch request 0415904862 MBooks (USA: MA) 2018/10/10
21.3 +1 22.3 gave points for mooch request 0679427430 VERA HOGAN (USA: CA) 2018/10/10
20.3 +1 21.3 gave points for mooch request 051501608X Ralph (USA: KY) 2018/10/09
19.3 +1 20.3 gave points for mooch request 014242207X Megan (USA: NE) 2018/10/09
16.3 +3 19.3 gave points for mooch request 0671424602 Robert Palk (United Kingdom) 2018/10/09
13.3 +3 16.3 gave points for mooch request 0312367546 Adelina (Finland) 2018/10/08
12.3 +1 13.3 gave points for mooch request 0545224918 Sara Bean (USA: WV) 2018/10/08
12.2 +0.1 12.3 added book to inventory 0982769601 Becca (USA: NY) 2018/10/08
12.1 +0.1 12.2 added book to inventory 1402745826 Becca (USA: NY) 2018/10/08
12 +0.1 12.1 added book to inventory 0312367546 Becca (USA: NY) 2018/10/08
11.9 +0.1 12 added book to inventory 0545274257 Becca (USA: NY) 2018/10/08
11.8 +0.1 11.9 added book to inventory 0545224918 Becca (USA: NY) 2018/10/08
11.7 +0.1 11.8 added book to inventory 014242207X Becca (USA: NY) 2018/10/08
11.8 -0.1 11.7 removed book from inventory B001CELGTC Becca (USA: NY) 2018/10/08
11.9 -0.1 11.8 removed book from inventory 0374247161 Becca (USA: NY) 2018/10/08
12 -0.1 11.9 removed book from inventory 0613181425 Becca (USA: NY) 2018/10/08
12.1 -0.1 12 removed book from inventory 006019779X Becca (USA: NY) 2018/10/08
12.2 -0.1 12.1 removed book from inventory 0380803046 Becca (USA: NY) 2018/10/08
12.3 -0.1 12.2 removed book from inventory B001NDXT1U Becca (USA: NY) 2018/10/08
12.4 -0.1 12.3 removed book from inventory 0385496818 Becca (USA: NY) 2018/10/08
12.5 -0.1 12.4 removed book from inventory 0307275167 Becca (USA: NY) 2018/10/08
12.6 -0.1 12.5 removed book from inventory 0385467850 Becca (USA: NY) 2018/10/08
12.7 -0.1 12.6 removed book from inventory 0452279186 Becca (USA: NY) 2018/10/08
12.8 -0.1 12.7 removed book from inventory 0374280665 Becca (USA: NY) 2018/10/08
12.7 +0.1 12.8 added book to inventory 051501608X Becca (USA: NY) 2018/10/08
12.6 +0.1 12.7 added book to inventory 0671424602 Becca (USA: NY) 2018/10/08
12.5 +0.1 12.6 added book to inventory B012TPF8HS Becca (USA: NY) 2018/10/08
12.6 -0.1 12.5 removed book from inventory 0060929030 Becca (USA: NY) 2018/10/08
12.7 -0.1 12.6 removed book from inventory B01FGLMBYA Becca (USA: NY) 2018/10/08
12.6 +0.1 12.7 added book to inventory 0060929030 Becca (USA: NY) 2018/10/08
12.5 +0.1 12.6 added book to inventory B01FGLMBYA Becca (USA: NY) 2018/10/08
12.4 +0.1 12.5 added book to inventory 0415904862 Becca (USA: NY) 2018/10/08
12.3 +0.1 12.4 added book to inventory 0679427430 Becca (USA: NY) 2018/10/08
12.4 -0.1 12.3 removed book from inventory 1476760969 Becca (USA: NY) 2018/10/08
12.3 +0.1 12.4 added book to inventory 1476760969 Becca (USA: NY) 2018/10/08
12.2 +0.1 12.3 added book to inventory 0385424000 Becca (USA: NY) 2018/10/08
11.2 +1 12.2 mooch rejected by book owner 068805949X ksisaacs (USA: NY) 2018/09/08