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Points analysis

Name: Vespa (United Kingdom)
User ID: vespa
Points: 25.3

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
44.8 -3 41.8 deducted points for mooch request BM1305149031804706161 lynniepie (USA: CT) 2011/05/14
47.8 -3 44.8 deducted points for mooch request 0140620605 Lyonsy (Ireland) 2011/05/09
48.8 -1 47.8 deducted points for mooch request 0333408152 Dorothy Noble (United Kingdom) 2011/05/08
49.8 -1 48.8 deducted points for mooch request 000675077X bobby_carrot (United Kingdom) 2011/05/07
52.8 -3 49.8 deducted points for mooch request 0330241923 gazakas (Greece) 2011/05/05
53.8 -1 52.8 deducted points for mooch request 0140301682 GryphonLRC (United Kingdom) 2011/05/02
53.9 -0.1 53.8 removed book from inventory BM1301479082990715131 Vespa (United Kingdom) 2011/05/02
54 -0.1 53.9 removed book from inventory 075150551X Vespa (United Kingdom) 2011/05/02
54.1 -0.1 54 removed book from inventory 0340685778 Vespa (United Kingdom) 2011/05/02
57.1 -3 54.1 deducted points for mooch request 0060598875 Busy~Mammy (Ireland) 2011/05/02
58.1 -1 57.1 deducted points for mooch request 014062029X Sam Bicknell (United Kingdom) 2011/05/01
59.1 -1 58.1 deducted points for mooch request 1853260053 Peta (United Kingdom) 2011/05/01
59 +0.1 59.1 added book to inventory 033041934X Vespa (United Kingdom) 2011/04/25
58.9 +0.1 59 added book to inventory BM1301479082990715131 Vespa (United Kingdom) 2011/04/17
60.9 -2 58.9 deducted points for mooch request 0449225151 PortiaLong (USA: PA) 2011/03/26
61.9 -1 60.9 deducted points for mooch request 0140620966 The Colourful Parrot Company (United Kingdom) 2011/03/23
62.9 -1 61.9 deducted points for mooch request BM1299868604590460773 josie (United Kingdom) 2011/03/19
63.9 -1 62.9 deducted points for mooch request 1853262773 Patricia (United Kingdom) 2011/02/05
64.9 -1 63.9 deducted points for mooch request BM1211835593955656237 Caroline (United Kingdom) 2011/02/05
65.9 -1 64.9 gave a smooch safrolistics (United Kingdom) 2011/01/07
66.9 -1 65.9 gave a smooch safrolistics (United Kingdom) 2011/01/07
67.9 -1 66.9 gave a smooch safrolistics (United Kingdom) 2011/01/07
68.9 -1 67.9 gave a smooch safrolistics (United Kingdom) 2011/01/07
69.9 -1 68.9 gave a smooch safrolistics (United Kingdom) 2011/01/07
70.9 -1 69.9 gave a smooch safrolistics (United Kingdom) 2011/01/07
71.9 -1 70.9 gave a smooch safrolistics (United Kingdom) 2011/01/07
72.9 -1 71.9 gave a smooch safrolistics (United Kingdom) 2011/01/07
73.9 -1 72.9 gave a smooch safrolistics (United Kingdom) 2011/01/07
74.9 -1 73.9 gave a smooch safrolistics (United Kingdom) 2011/01/07
75.9 -1 74.9 gave a smooch safrolistics (United Kingdom) 2011/01/07
76.9 -1 75.9 gave a smooch safrolistics (United Kingdom) 2011/01/07
77.9 -1 76.9 gave a smooch safrolistics (United Kingdom) 2011/01/07
78.9 -1 77.9 gave a smooch safrolistics (United Kingdom) 2011/01/07
79.9 -1 78.9 gave a smooch safrolistics (United Kingdom) 2011/01/07
80.9 -1 79.9 gave a smooch safrolistics (United Kingdom) 2011/01/07
81.9 -1 80.9 gave a smooch safrolistics (United Kingdom) 2011/01/07
82.9 -1 81.9 gave a smooch safrolistics (United Kingdom) 2011/01/07
83.9 -1 82.9 gave a smooch safrolistics (United Kingdom) 2011/01/07
82.9 +1 83.9 gave points for mooch request 0141007338 Lucy (United Kingdom) 2011/01/01
81.9 +1 82.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 1407102745 Sidney (United Kingdom) 2010/10/12
82.9 -1 81.9 deducted points for mooch request 1407102745 Sidney (United Kingdom) 2010/09/21
82.8 +0.1 82.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book B000SBTH82 Mandy (United Kingdom) 2010/09/21
83.8 -1 82.8 deducted points for mooch request B000SBTH82 Mandy (United Kingdom) 2010/08/22
83.7 +0.1 83.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380709937 Catie Cary (United Kingdom) 2010/08/22
83.6 +0.1 83.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0340977981 lelley (United Kingdom) 2010/08/22
84.6 -1 83.6 deducted points for mooch request 0380709937 Catie Cary (United Kingdom) 2010/08/07
85.6 -1 84.6 deducted points for mooch request 0340977981 lelley (United Kingdom) 2010/08/07
85.5 +0.1 85.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0755305809 wychwood (United Kingdom) 2010/08/07
84.5 +1 85.5 mooch rejected by book owner 0747274347 Joanne Thurston (United Kingdom) 2010/06/30
84.4 +0.1 84.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747266905 Chris (United Kingdom) 2010/06/26