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Points analysis

Name: Sue Ferraro (France)
User ID: whitemountaingirl
Points: 30.7

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
29.7 +1 30.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0061988421 penelopewanders (France) 2024/05/23
28.7 +1 29.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0007198442 penelopewanders (France) 2024/05/23
27.7 +1 28.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 1409119955 penelopewanders (France) 2024/05/23
26.7 +1 27.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0140033173 penelopewanders (France) 2024/05/23
25.7 +1 26.7 mooch rejected by book owner 0446611808 penelopewanders (France) 2023/04/08
26.7 -1 25.7 deducted points for mooch request 0743468805 Noursef (France) 2023/03/19
27.7 -1 26.7 deducted points for mooch request 0552151408 Noursef (France) 2023/03/19
28.7 -1 27.7 deducted points for mooch request 0061988421 penelopewanders (France) 2023/03/19
29.7 -1 28.7 deducted points for mooch request 0007198442 penelopewanders (France) 2023/03/19
30.7 -1 29.7 deducted points for mooch request 1409119955 penelopewanders (France) 2023/03/19
31.7 -1 30.7 deducted points for mooch request 0140033173 penelopewanders (France) 2023/03/19
32.7 -1 31.7 deducted points for mooch request 0446611808 penelopewanders (France) 2023/03/19
33.7 -1 32.7 deducted points for mooch request 0552997668 penelopewanders (France) 2023/03/19
36.7 -3 33.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 8128808028 Leila (USA: NC) 2022/02/01
33.7 +3 36.7 gave points for mooch request 8128808028 Leila (USA: NC) 2021/12/25
32.7 +1 33.7 gave points for mooch request 0062510673 TiMilou (France) 2021/05/07
31.7 +1 32.7 gave points for mooch request 1863095721 TiMilou (France) 2021/05/07
30.7 +1 31.7 gave points for mooch request 0340681780 TiMilou (France) 2021/05/07
29.7 +1 30.7 gave points for mooch request B001480JDA TiMilou (France) 2021/05/07
28.7 +1 29.7 gave points for mooch request 0959774661 TiMilou (France) 2021/05/07
27.7 +1 28.7 gave points for mooch request 1561709506 TiMilou (France) 2021/05/07
26.7 +1 27.7 gave points for mooch request 1405301694 TiMilou (France) 2021/05/07
25.7 +1 26.7 gave points for mooch request 0955466903 TiMilou (France) 2021/05/07
24.7 +1 25.7 gave points for mooch request 1842156918 TiMilou (France) 2021/05/07
21.7 +3 24.7 gave points for mooch request 0141199350 Sara (Italy) 2021/03/07
24.7 -3 21.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0525948228 Méabh Burke (Ireland) 2021/03/05
21.7 +3 24.7 gave points for mooch request 0525948228 Méabh Burke (Ireland) 2021/03/05
18.7 +3 21.7 gave points for mooch request 0099741008 Lauren (USA: PA) 2020/12/19
15.7 +3 18.7 gave points for mooch request 0915811898 duygu basman (United Kingdom) 2020/12/11
12.7 +3 15.7 gave points for mooch request 0099727404 Silvia (Italia) 2020/11/26
12.6 +0.1 12.7 added book to inventory 0007261152 Sue Ferraro (France) 2020/11/24
9.6 +3 12.6 gave points for mooch request 006109224X Julia Skorupska (Norway) 2020/11/23
9.5 +0.1 9.6 added book to inventory 1561707120 Sue Ferraro (France) 2020/11/22
9.4 +0.1 9.5 added book to inventory 0896939758 Sue Ferraro (France) 2020/11/22
9.3 +0.1 9.4 added book to inventory 1401900852 Sue Ferraro (France) 2020/11/22
9.2 +0.1 9.3 added book to inventory 0892132701 Sue Ferraro (France) 2020/11/22
9.1 +0.1 9.2 added book to inventory 1842156918 Sue Ferraro (France) 2020/11/22
9 +0.1 9.1 added book to inventory 0099727404 Sue Ferraro (France) 2020/11/22
8.9 +0.1 9 added book to inventory 0959774661 Sue Ferraro (France) 2020/11/22
8.8 +0.1 8.9 added book to inventory 8128808028 Sue Ferraro (France) 2020/11/22
8.7 +0.1 8.8 added book to inventory 006109224X Sue Ferraro (France) 2020/11/22
8.6 +0.1 8.7 added book to inventory B001480JDA Sue Ferraro (France) 2020/11/22
8.5 +0.1 8.6 added book to inventory 0099741008 Sue Ferraro (France) 2020/11/22
8.4 +0.1 8.5 added book to inventory 1405301694 Sue Ferraro (France) 2020/11/22
8.3 +0.1 8.4 added book to inventory BM1603014388173458871 Sue Ferraro (France) 2020/11/22
8.2 +0.1 8.3 added book to inventory 1561709506 Sue Ferraro (France) 2020/11/22
8.1 +0.1 8.2 added book to inventory 0141199350 Sue Ferraro (France) 2020/11/22
8 +0.1 8.1 added book to inventory 1863095721 Sue Ferraro (France) 2020/11/22
7.9 +0.1 8 added book to inventory 0340681780 Sue Ferraro (France) 2020/11/22
7.8 +0.1 7.9 added book to inventory 0671881264 Sue Ferraro (France) 2020/11/22