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Recommendations for: Adeline (France)

Amelie Nothomb Metaphysique Des Tubes 1
Philippe Grimbert Un secret 1
Amélie Nothomb Les Catilinaires 1
Bernard Werber Les Fourmis 1
Jeannette Walls The Glass Castle: A Memoir 1
Justine Lévy Rien de grave 1
Anna Gavalda L'échappée belle 2
Michel Faber The Crimson Petal and the White 1
Chuck Palahniuk Diary: A Novel 1
Gary Shteyngart Absurdistan: A Novel 1
Sara Gruen Water for Elephants 2
Stephenie Meyer Twilight 10
William P. Young The Shack 6
Dan Brown, Angeli E Demoni 4
Marc Lévy Vous revoir 1
Luis Sepulveda Le Vieux Qui Lisait Les Romans Damour 2
Stephenie Meyer New Moon 7
Barbara Ehrenreich Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America 1
Anne Enright The Gathering 1
Carl Sagan Contact 1