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Smooches received

2024/09/16 Here is your point back for mooching three at one time. Thank you. ginnygail (USA: ME)
2024/08/13 Thanks for requesting 2 books. Lisa Wenner (USA: PA)
2024/07/28 So sorry! I completely forgot to send you a point for ordering three books at one time. I have no idea why I forgot and why it suddenly hit me.

Hope you enjoy the books.

ginnygail (USA: ME)
2020/07/10 Here is your 2nd smooch. Lori B (USA: FL)
2020/07/10 You are very welcome. Here is your 1st of 2 smooches. Thanks again for mooching from me. Lori B (USA: FL)
2020/06/07 thanks for giving a second book a new home! Darth Heather (USA: NH)
2018/01/07 kathleen (USA: NY)
2017/07/15 for my 2/1 deal kathleen (USA: NY)
2015/03/11 I was having a 2-1 book sale. Soaring Eagle (USA: VT)
2013/07/26 I saw that the shipping for one of the books was pretty expensive :( so heres an extra point to help make up for it ? :) pacrat (USA: GA)