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Foodie books

I am always looking for books about eating good, healthy, sustainable food. NOT diet books or cookbooks. Michael Pollan is my favorite author, but I already have all his books, so looking for something similar. If anyone could help me with that.

7 years ago


I can recommend a few books, but unfortunately I love my copies of them and would rather not part with them. But here are some that you might like:
H.K. Bakhru : Foods That Heal
Jessie Hawkins : Vintage Remedies Guide to Real Food
Patricia Hausman : The Healing Foods: The Ultimate Authority on the Creative Power of Nutrition

I noticed that the last one is currently available. Hope this helps you. :-)

7 years ago
Thank you so much Daisy! I just mooched the Healing Foods book!
7 years ago
You're very welcome! Hope you enjoy it! :-)
7 years ago
Have you read any by Calvin Trillin? He travels, loves food, is funny in a dry sort of way, and has several about eating in the US and other countries. His Tummy Trilogy consists of three books that were originally published separately: American Fried; Alice, Let's Eat; and Third Helpings, A British paperback, Eating with the Pilgrims, contains some of the pieces from those three. Also, about food and eating are Travels with Alice and Feeding a Yen. I recommend these highly. I bought American Fried in an airport bookstore long ago and was afraid I might be thrown off the plane because I was laughing so much. I have a copy of Third Helpings in my BM inventory, and may have the other two in my not-listed-yet heap, if anyone's interested.
Margaret H.
7 years ago