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Forum: BookMooch Contests

Solving "An Enigma"

Well, the time has come to put this contest out of its misery. Interestingly enough, this puzzle (that I thought was the easiest to solve) was the least attempted so far...oh well. The solution, for those of you who care, is found by paying attention to the line "And now it's time for my game to scope th'title should do." This should have led you to investigate the title of the contest which was "An Enigma"...the same title as a famous poem written by Edgar Allan Poe (his name is, incidentally, also hidden in the poem). Further investigation would have uncovered the fact that Mr. Poe had hidden a name within the poem by using the first letter of the first line, the second letter of the second line, and so on. Were you to have gone through the same process with the contest poem, it would have revealed the message, "Check the second letters of every fifth word." From there, it was a simple matter to do as directed which would then give you the final instructions: "Responses should incorporate two numbers, all letters of the alphabet and the name of any country." All four respondents fulfilled these requirements and thus became eligible for the grand prize drawing. The first correct respondent was AlineM ...she'll be getting her two points as soon as I finish posting this message. One point is also being awarded to dichroic whose 11th hour entry struck me funny. Finally the ten point grand prize (ooh...ahh) goes (after the highly scientific method of assigning each respondent a number between 1 and four and having my daughter pick a corresponding card) to Maverick62 (copious applause and whistles). I hope y'all had fun with it. Given the poor turnout (in numbers, not in quality), I'm not sure if I'll be doing another puzzle anytime soon. Happy New Year everybody, and thanks to AlineM, peter, Maverick62 and dichroic for playing!

Rebel Sun
13 years ago


Hi Rebel Sun,
Thanks a lot for another great puzzle. It was fun. Congrats on the big win Maverick62. I thought dichroic was going to swoop in at the last moment to claim the grand prize. I liked your lovely ode AlineM. Let's all meet up again in the next Rebel Sun puzzle contest......
13 years ago
Congrats to Maverick62 and the other intrepid puzzle solvers (gee, I feel like I've met you all somewhere before...). To Rebel Sun: thank you for another fun puzzle! The forums seem to have been rather dead lately, so I'm not sure the lack of response has anything to do with a lack of interest in the puzzle. Either way, you can be assured that your efforts as puzzle master provide great enjoyment to those of us who do participate. I love a good puzzle! :)
13 years ago
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Please hold the applause. Congrats to everyone who solved the puzzle. I am forever looking forward to a new and exciting puzzle from the master Rebel Sun. Please know that these are greatly appreciated and always fun to (try to) solve. I don't know where you come up with the ideas for these but I'm happy that you do. I will wait with growing anticipation for the next installment. Hopefully these will get more interest and more regular challenges will be justified. I would donate a few points to keep them coming. Thank you again Rebel Sun and see you all next time.
13 years ago