Interdisciplinary Puzzle Contest Solution and Winner
Well, maybe I overestimated the interest in puzzles. I thought there would be a few more responses, but I guess the puzzle was more challenging than I had imagined it would be. Oh well, c'est la vie! As for the solution to the interdisciplinary puzzle, here goes: Step 1: The given clue for this step was “NE15cN9dE8cNE8pE7eSE7cSW7s(S5-3r)NW9iS2-5-4dW9c”. I was hoping that people would be able to see in the clue a pattern of capital letters followed by numbers followed by lower case letters. Looking at the capital letters, puzzlers should have been able to recognize standard abbreviations for the 8 principal compass directions. Using these directions (N = up, S = down, E = left to right, etc.), the numbers (the number of letters in the words), and the lower case letters (with which the words begin), puzzlers could use the “photo” from my bio page (I'll keep it up for the next week) to come up with the following message: congratulations – discovery – continue – progress - examine – contest – sponsor - (rebel sun) – inventory - da vinci code - condition Step 2: Using this last message, puzzlers were to go to my inventory, select “The Da Vinci Code” (I have two copies listed, but the clue was only on one of them), go to the first step in mooching and then search through the available copies (many, many, many) for the one listed under my name and then read the clue listed in the condition notes therein. This clue read: “(Β, 17) (Ρ, 67) (Σ, 53) (Ο, 29) (Π, 5) (Ω, 2) (Χ, 47) (Θ, 31) (Λ, 71) (Ν, 41) (Τ, 43) (Υ, 3) (Ε, 59) (Δ, 37) (Υ, 61) (I, 11) (Β, 7) (Σ, 23) (Ξ, 71) (Φ, 59) (Κ, 23) (Η, 29) (Θ, 11) (Ψ, 2) (Η, 53) (Ξ, 13) (Η, 3) (Υ, 67) (Α, 41) (Κ, 37) (Π, 31) (Τ, 13) (Ω, 59) (Ο, 11) (Ψ, 23) (Χ, 31) (Ζ, 47) (Φ, 71) (Μ, 37) (Ζ, 17) (Ξ, 7) (Ε, 53) (Υ, 71) (Ο, 43) (Ρ, 2) (Λ, 13) (Η, 5) (Γ, 67) (Θ, 59) (Σ, 37) (Χ, 53) (Β, 5) (Ψ, 19) (Υ, 29) (Μ, 61) (Δ, 2) (Ν, 23) (Ι, 53) (Α, 23) (Ω, 7) (Α, 71) (Φ, 17) (Η, 37) (Ξ, 53)” At the top of the “photo” there is a line offset from the rest of the puzzle that, if read from left to right, says, “x = nth ltr & y = nth p#”. I was hoping that, using their powers of deduction, puzzlers could figure out that the letters were Greek letters (of which there are 24), and that the numbers were the first 20 prime numbers. The “photo” is a 24 x 20 grid, and using the clues above as x, y coordinates, the following message can be parsed: “Answers must be 23 words long containing an author's 7-letter surname & a # >50” From there it was as easy as following directions. Unfortunately, there were only two officially qualifying answers: the first from "peter (South Korea)" and the second from "AlineM (Norway)". There was another response from "dichroic (Finland)" that only faulted on the 7-letter author's name…I decided to include his/her name in the drawing for the winner as well. Using the highly scientific method of assigning a colored crayon to each name and then waiting for my daughter to come draw a picture with one of them, the winner was chosen. Congratulations go out to "peter" and the purple crayon. "peter" was also the first to answer the puzzle correctly and got the two points for that as well. I will wait for him to let me know which charity he wants to get the designated points. The bonus question was probably the easiest to decipher, but it was almost impossible to answer unless you were well on your way to solving the puzzle. The question is in what is called an “Alphabet Shift Cipher” and was simply a matter of realizing that B = A, C = B, etc. As such, the question “XIBU TUBS XBST DIBSBDUFS JT BOESPNFEB MPDBUFE JO?” translates to “What Star Wars character is Andromeda located in?”…(as an English teacher, I almost phrased it with an “In which…”, but decided to bow to colloquial convention). To answer this one, puzzlers had to know (or discover) that Andromeda is also known as “M31”. Thus, using the same x,y coordinate system that was used in the puzzle, people could locate the letter “n”, and with a little looking, could find that the “n” was part of the name “Lando” in the puzzle (referring to “Lando Calrissian”, a character in “The Empire Strikes Back”and "The Return of the Jedi"). An apology goes out here to “peter” who assumed that my comment in the Da Vinci Code condition notes (that the Star Wars references in the puzzle were red herrings) also applied to the bonus question…I'm sorry that I wasn't more clear about that. The only correct answerer of the bonus question and the winner of the 2 points thereby designated was "dichroic". Finally a thank you goes out to our "corporate" sponsors, "Cara" and "Becca", for providing the points for the contest. Thanks to all those who attempted the puzzle...I'll try not to make it so complicated next time.
Rebel Sun
14 anni fa