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already sent to one user, will do it per week
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I mooched from all the asked first except the one I indicated, I'll cancel in 7 days.
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bumping up
Everybody on the Ask First list, except for Hani, has been vacationed, so that can be updated.
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And, I have mooched from niken and wenky....I'll vacation them next week.
thanks Robin, Silvana is working on the "my country" ones.
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Whoops, my apology I forgot to check this thread and instead I vacationed users from A to H already. Will now continue according to the above list.
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Ok, now I already done with the list except the bottom three users since I am running out points :D Will continue next week.
I vacationed the last two from the worldwide/ask first list, that had no english books.
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I have vacationed most of the people in the Indonesian list and we're down to 21 so-called active members. There are two of them that I tried to vacation several times but failed for some unknown reasons.
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Silvana, thanks for your hard work. There are always some accounts that are glitchy for some reason. You can post the links to those in the glitch thread and they will get reported for the admins to look into if you wish.
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thanks Cara, will do that
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