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Forum: International Wishlist Tag Game

Person in Europe mooch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Hi, angels!

I really REALLY want to read Harry Potter 4, but it's in Italy and the person who has it says it costs too much to send to South Korea.

He'll probably send it to someone in Europe. If you successfully mooch it from Gianmarco, and then send it to me in South Korea, I will give you 9 points: 3 for the book, 3 for sending it, and 3 for your trouble.

Here is the member who has the book: bio:gianma90

Any takers?

10 years ago


I've checked Gianma90's inventory, and the Harry Potter book is no longer listed. Sorry. If you find another copy that someone would be willing to send to France, I'll send it to you.
10 years ago