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I inadvertently tagged Robin yesterday with Left hand of darkness, oops
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@ Mosca: Obviously you and birdbrain were communicating telepathically and I expect Robin will probably be delighted :-)
I'm going to check out some wishlists to see whether I can join this Free for All.
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What a great idea! And thanks to Kerry for tagging me :) I really have to go to bed now, but I'll be back tomorrow to see what I can offer. I'm short of books to post out right now !!
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I tag Jenni with Tall, Dark and Hungry. I've reserved it for you.
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I tag Mary H with The Bill from My Father. I'll reserve it for you! Sonja
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Lovely surprise! I have mooched both, thank you
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@Mosca and Jenni Canuck: Thank you so much for offering, I am so, so, so, sorry I haven't responded as I've been away! Would it be very bad form for me to accept BOTH your offers now? *blush* Because I would love those books, if they're still available but I don't want to mess up the game (more than I already have :P) Thanks! Sophie
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Thanks to Mosca and Jenni, I've mooched your books now!
better take me off the list. I'm having to halt all incoming packages for a few weeks.
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I like the spirit of this.
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I tag Jenni with Love is Hell Posted & reserved for you
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hey everyone, i'd like to join! i usually only have a few books up at a time, but i try to get a few new ones on every month. my wishlist and inventory are (usually) mainly young adult books and some (non-ya) romance and fantasy, in case you want to check it out!
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I'd like to join - my wishlist is enormous!
I'd like to join too.........I love looking for books for other people and you never know I might get something from my own wishlist at the same time!!! {:-)
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Welcome to the new participants, the more the merrier :)
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That's great Jacquie, let me know when you have them. I also have The black echo, from your wishlist (and will have the following books when I am done reading them)
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It started out as a “tag” game where the person who gave a book would be next in line to get a book, but there were so few participants that we started a “free for all” where any group member can tag another. It works best with large wishlists; small and/or esoteric wishlists, less so. Having more people participate improves the odds that you will score one or more wishlist hits.
Over the past year, BookMooch activity has slowed down so this is a way to get things moving again. There are lots of people who aren’t adding new books because they have lots of points but can’t find anything to spend them on. When people join this game, the group members browse each other’s wishlists and when they have someone’s wishlisted book, they offer it up to that person, i.e. the book owner initiates the mooch. And, since that’s the intent of the group, no one feels like they are being pressured or being stalked. In a small way, it gets books back into the system.
Jenn aka birdbrain
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Well I will certainly do my best and go through all my books. Chance to get them dusted LOL ! Kathy
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@Stephanie - I agree that "if I am willing to get rid of a book, I have already listed it"; yes, I have a permanent inventory of over 200 books. However, knowing that a fellow BookMoocher is very very interested in one of the books on my TBR list may make me bump it to nearer the top of my reading list. And I'll dare to say even more so if that is someone with whom I've exchanged books in the past. Whatever we do that might make books circulate more within a very sluggish BM is welcome, especially to those of us who have no choice but to send and receive internationally.
To the contrary I have a pile of books that I have not listed because with 270+ points I do not need more points BUT if I see someone on here looking for a book I will ask if they want to mooch it then post & reserve it for them. Everybody has their own way of Bookmooching. Happy Mooching to all Gerri 07
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How about if I give you all access to my TBR piles (http://www.librarything.com/profile/cougargirl1967) and then you could give me an idea what to put on top of my pile! I have a lot less time online since I moved so I'll let you all browse for yourself. Although I have to warn you, I have books across 2 states, so some will get read quicker. :-) Sonja "Born to Sing, Forced to Work"
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What a brilliant idea!! I would do the same but I have such a huge TBR list I wouldn't have time to list them all...........but I will check out other people's wishlists and see if I can help.
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Thanks Peta!
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Woohoo! Thanks, Peta!
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I'd like to tag Peta (how do I do that?) as I have a copy of 'The Poe Shadow' by Matthew Pearl in excellent condition. Kathy
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Kathy, all you need to do is post the book and reserve it for Peta (enter her BM id (peta158) in the reserve for field. I generally use the email recommendation feature in case they do not check this forum regularly.
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Thanks Kerry. I did that but unfortunately/fortunately Peta already has this book!! Well, I tried!
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Thanks to skiving off to drop in at an Anglophone section booksale this afternoon, I've managed to tag Mosca with 'Say it with poison' and list several other wishlisted books. How much will it take before people say that BM is no longer stalled?
What a lovely surprise!Thank you Melanie, I have mooched it.
Thanks Jacquie
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Thank you so much Melanie. Really would love this book.
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Hey! What has happened to this forum?????????????
How very starnge.........when I last came on here all I got was a blank page!!!! Hence my last comment!
Thank you Melanie! I am really looking forward to that one.
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*sigh* I guess my wishlist is just too obscure. :-) Robin
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@Robin. I have mooched The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay and I am waiting to receive it. I'll let you know when I have read it.
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Robin, haven't actually gone through all your wishlist but I do have, 'Cockatiels at seven' and 'Death of a snob' on my TBR shelf. Can you wait until I read them?
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Hi Robin, It pays to whine...lol I have listed & reserved for you 1. A hardcover copy of The Angel's Game 2. A hardcover copy of From Dead to Worse. 3. A paperback copy of When You are engulfed in Flames (not an audio book as noted on your wishlist) Let me know if you want any or all of these books Please note mailing will be after July 9th.
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Hi Kerry, I have listed & reserved a copy of Book of Negroes (title of book Someone Know My Name in Canada) by Dan Hill Let me know if you want the book Next mailing will be after July 9th
Hi Jenn, aka Birdbrain, I have listed & reserved for you a copy of The Girl with the Glass Feet . Next Mailing week of July 9th
Hi Kathers, I have a pb copy of Me Myself ^ Why Please let me know if you would like me to list & reserve this for you.
Hi Gerri, yes I would like Me, Myself and Why please.
Jacquie I have added and reserved the following for you: Murder on Lenox Hill; Murder on Marble Row; Murder on Bank Street; Tell me, Pretty Maiden; Demons are a Ghoul's Best Friend; Three Bedrooms, one corpse; Evans to Betsy; Death Perception; A Royal Pain. I have added condition notes for them all, if you don't want any of them for any reason, just let me know.
Jenni_Canuck, I have listed & reserved a copy of I Shall Wear Magic for you
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Mosca, I have listed & reserved a copy of The Cat Who Read Backwards for you
Thanks Gerri, does it work better for you if I mooch a second one?
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@kathers - many, many thanks for finding all of these for me.
Thanks Gerri! Take your time I am in no hurry. Cheers,
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No need to moocg a zecond book unless there is something else you want. Appreciate your offer
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Gerri, I have sent you another request if it's convenient Thanks a lot
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I'm not having much luck searching through these lists, so I thought I'd offer a couple of books whose authors pop up fairly frequently - but not the titles I have. Maybe mine are early titles, I don't know. If anyone would like:Undead and Unreturnable by Maryjanice Davidson or Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris, just give me a shout. Meanwhile I'll keep searching :)
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Rebel Sun I have posted & reserved a copy of Harry Potter & the Philospher's StoneMy next mailing date is week of July 9th Please let me know if you want the book
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dubaireader I have listed & posted a copy Elizabeth Young Bess by Margaret Irwin Next mailing date is week of July 9th Please let me know if you want the book
dubaireader, Please can I mooch Undead and Unreturnable by Maryjanice Davidson unless you are saving it for someone else??? Thanks ever so....... Kathy
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Gerri, thank you. I will mooch the Zafon, I should have taken Dead to Worse off my wishlist, thanks for letting me know it was still on there, and I actually really like to listen to David Sedaris, so I'll pass up the book version of Flames. THANK YOU SO MUCH.
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Thankyou so much Gerri, much appreciated. I have Mooched :) Kathy, my pleasure, I will list the book now.
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Tia, I have a copy of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close if you're still looking for one?
That would be great! If you post it I'll definitely mooch it!
Thank you for tagging me, Gerri and Melanie C. It's time to browse wishlists again :-)
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Sorry Tia, I mislaid it, will post now....
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Jenni_Canuck. I posted & reserved a copy of I Shall Wear Purple for you days ago. Please mooch before the reserve expires.
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Thanks for the update Peta...I will do as you recommended,
Sorry about being MIA. I have a new computer YEAHHHH !!! but I won't have home internet until July 5 :(
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@Jacquie, I have a nice copy of Buckingham Palace Gardens by Anne Perry, but it's a paperback not a hardback. Would you be interested?
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Hi Jenni, Yes please post & reserve Kathi Appelt : The Underneath & I will mooch it. Many thanks
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@Robin Are you interested in a paperback copy of The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay? It is a bit worn, but still very readable.
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Sure! I'm not usually picky about HB vs. PB. Thanks!
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Do you still have an address in Germany?
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Ah no, sorry. Is the US too far to send?
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Not to worry, I'll sort something out :)
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What is BMID?
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Karlene - I think BMID is a Book Mooch ID. Took me a while to figure it out.
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