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Forum: International Wishlist Tag Game

Free for All - Part 2

Thread continued here: Free for All - Part 3

The old thread goes on forever and ever and takes an eternity to load so I think it's time to start a fresh one! I've copied the general info below.

Someone asked off-thread if it was okay to request a 2-mooch minimum for international shipments and I think, considering the postage costs, that's perfectly fine. The only complication I can think of is that this probably means offering two wishlisted books. Your thoughts?

~~~~begin old message~~~~

In an attempt to get unstuck, let’s do a Free for All. Check out the wishlists of the moochers who have subscribed to this forum -- maybe we can grant some wishes while trying to maintain the international aspect :0

  1. birdbrain (CDA: Toronto ON)
  2. Clotel
  3. DubaiReader
  4. duygu basman
  5. Jenni Canuck (CDA: Toronto ON)
  6. Kerry
  7. Mary H
  8. Melanie C.
  9. kathers
  10. Mosca
  11. NinaBryna
  12. Rebel Sun
  13. Robin
  14. SLim
  15. Sonja
  16. Gerri (CDA: Toronto ON)
  17. Michal_Nancy
  18. Shane
  19. tia
  20. Kathy Arkwright
  21. jacquie
  22. Peta
  23. Aspa
  24. Erika (CDA: Belleville ON)
  25. Kim Pate    
  26. Karlene
  27. Clare
  28. Samantha
  29. Lea
  30. Arianne Welcome NEW Member :-)
  31. Ashley Welcome NEW Member :-)
  32. Gretchen Ann Welcome NEW Member :-)

With any luck, this will generate a flurry of activity that will get noticed by more moochers who will then rush to join our group. *sending out positive vibes while keeping fingers crossed*

New to the tag game? Post a message here when you join and I can add the link to your wishlist. Also, because messages randomly disappear, it's a good idea to sign up to receive forum messages by email and to include your BMID in your message.
the eternal optimist
BMID birdbrain

Thread continued here: Free for All - Part 3

12 anni fa


I'll start this round by tagging Aspa with:
Anna Godbersen : Rumors: A Luxe Novel (The Luxe)
Anna Godbersen : Envy: A Luxe Novel (The Luxe)
Please LMK if you want these and I will list them for you.
~jenn -- BMID: birdbrain

120814 Update: These books are now listed and reserved for you for 14 days :-)
12 anni fa
This is slightly counter-productive; every time I see a book offered that looks interesting, I add it to my wishlist ;-)
12 anni fa
don't think you saw my comment about the 2 Luxe novels, so am sending an email directly!
12 anni fa
I tag Clare with:

Catherynne M. Valente : The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making


Emma Donoghue : The Woman Who Gave Birth to Rabbits

Please confirm you still want these and I will list them for you.

BMID: birdbrain

120825 Update: These books are now listed and reserved for you for 14 days.
12 anni fa
Hi Melanie,

Yes, I would love to have that one! Thanks for checking!

12 anni fa
Hi Jenn (Birdbrain), thank you so much for the offer of the books. I would definitely like to mooch them from you please. I saw my name tagged but didn't realise it was me as my username is Rhydowen so got a bit confused at first. Then I clicked my name on the list above and it slowly dawned on me!
12 anni fa
Just searching to see who I can offer a book to and noticed that the fourth member on the list is on vacation, possibly inactive: bio:duygusu Shame as I have a book they are looking for.

Also, how do I tag someone?

12 anni fa
I can't find any of your wishlist books to offer but would like to be involved if I can. Would anyone be interested in Blessed is the fruit by Robert Antoni: Robert Antoni : Blessed is the Fruit (Faber Caribbean)
Review: Acclaimed Trinidadian writer Robert Antoni's second novel tells the life stories of two West Indian women: Lilla, the white mistress of a dilapidated colonial mansion, and Vel, the longtime black servant who lives with her. The two women have always kept an emotional distance by the accidents of their birth, but when Vel finds herself pregnant, Lilla puts her to bed in her own bedroom. Writing lyrically and convincingly in the voices of the two women themselves, Antoni lets them tell their life stories--a heady mixture of sex, religion, myth, and the musicality of their own inner languages. Antoni's first novel, Divina Trace won the Commonwealth Writers Prize.
12 anni fa
Hi ItsTanya!!!!

Yes please, I would love the magazine!! I am a grown-up Barbie fan!!!

Thank you.

12 anni fa
Hi Clare,

I have 'The Queens Fool' and 'Meridon' by Philippa Gregory if you are interested. Will list them on Bookmooch with reservations for you.
Please check my inventory. Kind Regards, Kathy

Kathy Arkwright
12 anni fa
How do I get the heart shape and the name on my comments, please?
Kathy Arkwright
12 anni fa
Sorry Melanie,
I know I am being thick.............. but I still don't know how I can make the heart and the name appear on these comments when I want to tag someone.
Kathy Arkwright
12 anni fa
Forgot to note it here. Tagged bio:monicap with Elizabeth George : Payment in Blood (Inspector Lynley Mysteries) this morning and she's mooched it. One more gone from my TBR pile!
12 anni fa
I tag Aspa with Alan Hunter : Gently Does It (Inspector George Gently 1)
12 anni fa
I tag Aspa with Ann Granger : Mixing With Murder~Ann Granger
12 anni fa
And I can tag jacquie with M. C. Beaton : Agatha Raisin and the Wizard of Evesham (An Agatha Raisin Mystery). I have a couple other M.C.Beaton's not on your wishlist, let me know if you are interested in either of these as well.

M. C. Beaton : Agatha Raisin and the Terrible Tourist (An Agatha Raisin Mystery)
M. C. Beaton : Agatha Raisin and the Murderous Marriage (An Agatha Raisin Mystery)

12 anni fa
Thanks, Kerry, for the Wizard of Evesham (a town close to where I grew up!). I've read the others though.
12 anni fa
Tagging Aspa with Ann Granger : Running Scared
12 anni fa
I am tagging bio:jacquiegatine with John Lescroart : Rasputin's Revenge Cheers,
12 anni fa
Thank you!
12 anni fa
Can my name be added to the tag game list? Thanks! (PS. Just added a couple of new books and going to be adding more this week so please come in and take a look at my inventory!!)
11 anni fa
Are there any members out there who have got any of the books on my wishlist..........PLEASE??
Kathy Arkwright
11 anni fa
Thanks for adding me to the list! :)
11 anni fa
I wish there were some way of amalgamating and displaying everyone's wishlists (with BM name against wishlisted book) to make for quicker searching. It must be a dreamy sort of day, because that doesn't seem easily possible.
11 anni fa
@Jacquie The only way I can think of is exporting each individual wishlist and then amalgamate them in an Excel sheet. At least, that way you can quickly search for a book or author.
11 anni fa
Thank you so much for all your help Melanie. It's a good job you are out there. I'd be lost without you! {:-)
Kathy Arkwright
11 anni fa
Oooo yes please, Melanie! Would love that book. Can't find it on your list though? Love Kathy xx
Kathy Arkwright
11 anni fa
Thank you ever so.............
Kathy Arkwright
11 anni fa
Add my name, please?
11 anni fa
Please---- there's a real shortage of good stitching books on this site (and I don't mean things like "Home and Garden: Christmas in Stitches") and clearly a real thirst for those books. When I first joined, my first few books that I listed were needlework books and they were all snatched up in a matter of hours. My inventory has been picked clean of needlework books. Please, if you see an interesting stitching/needlework/beading book at a yard sale or used book store, can you get it and post it? I guarantee it won't be sitting on your list long.

Especially you readers in Australia/new Zealand and South Africa. You probably don't realize this but you have a number of wonderful Stitchers who publish beautiful books. They are really hard to get here in America.

Gretchen Ann
11 anni fa
Melanie C. I would love to get N and M from you! Thanks!
11 anni fa

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