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New(ish) fictional book about Princess of Wales' alternate life

I'm sure I read somewhere that someone (I know, none more vaguer!) had written a book about the Princess of Wales' alternate life - the story was that she survived the crash and moved to live in America. Has anyone else heard of this book or did I dream it? And if so, any ideas who the author was or what the title is?

12 years ago


Yes, there *is* such a book, and I remember reading a review of it, but I can't remember what the title is, either.

Maybe it’s this one?

Jay Shorten
12 years ago
That's the one! Thank you SO much, Jay - I will add it to my list!
12 years ago
It's Di and I, by Lefcourt. I liked it enough to look out for other books by the author.
Margaret H.
12 years ago