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Forum: Recommendations Wanted

Spy Thrillers

I am looking for something new or unusual in a spy thriller for my brother in law. Any thoughts? thanks!

14 years ago


Can you give an idea of which authors he's read and liked? I haven't read many recent spy thrillers, but there are a lot of older ones who I still re-read, like Simon Harvester, John Welcome, and Mannng Coles.
Margaret H.
13 years ago
Thanks Margaret, I'll try those authors.
13 years ago
I see that I misspelled Manning Coles. His main character, Tommy Hambledon, has a sense of humor, and started his career during World War i (!) in Drink to Yesterday.. A substitute teacher in sixth grade read us part of one of them (Alias Uncle Hugo) and I was hooked. Len Deighton is also good, as is Desmond Bagley (his are more thrillers than spy novels). Michael Gilbert's books with Mr. Calder and Mr. Behrens are great - not enough of them! He might also like Gavin Lyall. Hmm - all the ones I like seem to be British authors and older books.

Some of the more recent ones I've tried (Dan Brown comes to mind) made me so annoyed at the badly drawn charactres and ridiculous situations that I gave up reading them after a couple of chapters. There's someone named David Gibbins whose first book (Atlantis) was so unintentionally funny that i did read the whole thing - sort of like the old Doc Savage pulps only three times as thick, and with equally absurd technology. I think I'd better stop now before I dis someone's favorite writer.

Margaret H.
13 years ago