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Forum: You Never Know What You May Find....

Just today....

I bought an old encyclopedia from a thrift shop here in Florida,to use as a basis for an altered book and inside was a business card from Michigan with the American League Detroit (where I was raised in Michigan)Entire season of home and "abroad" games (now called away games). The year of that season was 1959. Two years after I was born. That's an old bookmark!

VelcroDog (in Florida)
14 years ago


I was going through a dictionary that used to belong to my father-in-law.
Guess what I found. A small piece of paper .On it was a schoolish handwriting . Name, grade and name of school. Written by a sixth grade girl in 1985. That girl went on to marry . She married me!
My wife comes from a family of 5 children and it was I who just happened to "inherit" the dictionary with her scribbled 25 years old note.
14 years ago
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jims mtihsa
3 years ago