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Andy L (United Kingdom) : wishlist

Author Title Count Amazon Action 
Gilbert AdairA Closed Book0
Robert BarnardDeath in a Cold Climate0
George BaxtThe Bette Davis Murder Case0
George BaxtThe Clark Gable and Carole Lombard Murder Case0
George BaxtThe Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers Murder Case0
George BaxtThe Neon Graveyard0
George BaxtThe Talking Pictures Murder Case0
George BaxtWho's Next: A Novel of Suspense0
Margot BennettThe Man Who Didn't Fly0
Norman BerrowGhost House0
Alfred BesterThe Stars My Destination (S.F.Masterworks S.)0
Fabrice BourlandThe Baker Street Phantom (Singleton & Trelawney Case)0
Dorothy BowersPostscript To Poison (Golden Age Detective Novels)0
Richard L. BoyerThe Giant Rat of Sumatra (Sherlock Holmes)0
Alan BradleyThe Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie0
Christianna BrandLondon Particular (Pandora Women Crime Writers)0
Carole BuggeThe Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Star of India0
Mitch CullinA Slight Trick of the Mind0
Ursula CurtissDig a Little Deeper (Keyhole Crime)0
Ursula CurtissHours to Kill (Lindord Mystery Library)0