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Nefret (Germany) : wishlist

Author Title Count Amazon Action 
Michele AlbertHide in Plain Sight1 [mooch]
Ilona AndrewsBayou Moon (A Novel of the Edge)0
Ilona AndrewsMagic Bleeds (Kate Daniels)0
Ilona AndrewsMagic Strikes: A Kate Daniels Novel0
Kelley ArmstrongAngelic0
Kelley ArmstrongDarkest Powers: The Summoning (Darkest Powers)0
Kelley ArmstrongExit Strategy0
Kelley ArmstrongFrostbitten0
Kelley ArmstrongThe Gathering (Darkness Rising)0
Kelley ArmstrongLiving with the Dead (Women of the Otherworld, Book 9)0
Kelley ArmstrongLiving with the Dead0
Kelley ArmstrongMen of the Other World0
Kelley ArmstrongThe Summoning0
Kelley ArmstrongTales of the Otherworld0
Mary BaloghA Chance Encounter (Signet)0
Mary BaloghBlossoms0
Mary BaloghA certain magic0
Mary BaloghGentle Conquest0
Mary BaloghHeartless0
Mary BaloghA Matter of Class1 [mooch]