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Jeanne (Canada) : wishlist

Author Title Count Amazon Action 
Meljean BrookThe Iron Duke0
Orson Scott CardEmpire0
Vicki EssexBack to the Good Fortune Diner (Harlequin Superromance)0
Vicki EssexBack to the Good Fortune Diner0
Vicki EssexIn Her Corner (Harlequin Large Print Super Romance)0
Diana GabaldonDragonfly in Amber0
Diana GabaldonDragonfly in Amber0
Rachel GibsonAny Man of Mine0
Lori HandelandApocalypse Happens0
Lori HandelandDoomsday Can Wait (The Phoenix Chronicles)0
Georgette HeyerDevil's Cub0
Laura KinsaleFlowers from the Storm0
Jayne Ann KrentzCrystal Flame0
Jayne Ann KrentzShield's Lady0
Jeannie LinThe Lotus Palace (Hqn)0
Pamela MorsiSimple Jess (Heroes of the Hills) (Volume 2)0
Pamela MorsiSimple Jess0
Uma NarayanDecentering the Center: Philosophy for a Multicultural, Postcolonial, and Feminist World (A Hypatia Book)0
Uma NarayanDislocating Cultures: Identities, Traditions, and Third-World Feminism (Thinking Gender)0
Mary O'HaraWyoming summer0