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Iris (Philippines) : friends

Friends of: Iris (Philippines)

Angel (Philippines)

Aicha (Philippines)

Mia (USA: CA)

Jesser (Philippines)

Alexandra (Philippines)

Andy Batangantang (Philippines)

Kathereen (Philippines)

beachjunkie (Philippines)

Marie (Philippines)

dianne (Philippines)

B-Luv (Philippines)

Emily (USA: CO)

czar (Philippines)

Wired Psyche (Philippines)

Cheena (Philippines)

tracy (Philippines)

crrichards (USA: PA)Thanks for being my angel :) And for the friendship! Hope to mooch from you soon!

eunice (USA: CA)She's from Cavite too! Thanks for the add!

Alex A (Philippines)

J. Crewz (Philippines)

dementia (Philippines)

emma (Ireland)

eOnIzS_vOiCe (Philippines)

Fatima Serdena (Philippines)

Louie Alfred Gomez (USA: CA)

laya (Philippines)

Ira (USA: VA)

Johann Snyman (South Africa)

Amanda (USA: IL)

Becky (Philippines)

islandhopper (Philippines)

Jat (Philippines)

Rex rgis of Libri (USA: NJ)

katrezaga (Philippines)

Aby (Philippines)

LisaInSoCal (USA: CA)

Lenie (Philippines)

Triccie (Philippines)

peng (Philippines)

May (New Zealand)

Me0wp00 (France)

Yapin (Philippines)

Mary H (USA: MS)

alaine (Philippines)Co-Perpetualite! She's sweet and friendly. Likes to read like me! Thanks for the add Ate Alaine!

mona (Philippines)

moohlan (Philippines)

Patti (Philippines)Patti, one of my good friends here in Bookmooch. Really accomodating and friendly. :)

Von P. (Philippines)

nadyne (France)

psaul3 (USA)

Phoebe (Philippines)

anne (Philippines)

pinkmint (Philippines)

Rachelle (Philippines)

Teresa (USA: AL)

Sylvia Lukeman (United Kingdom)A very helpful moocher, she's done so much for me and I appreciate her much and her kindness. God Bless and good health, love you Sylvia. :) Thanks for the wonderful book of poems! I really like it, my sisters like it as well!

ScreamingBanshee (Canada)

Laurie (USA: UT)

spunkdesigns (Philippines)

Sarah (Philippines)

sumthinblue (Philippines)

Tessa (Philippines)

Julia Brendle (USA: NC)Very friendly and accomodating, even though I am younger than her we talk about a lot of things. I can relate to her in every way, she's funny too. She has a son Issiah who happens to think I'm cool. Haha. :)

Jen (USA: NC)She found me on Twitter!

Kate from Kate's Slate (USA: WA)

tucsonazdryheat (USA: AZ)

.. (USA)

Anna (USA: NJ)

sTEDdy (United Kingdom)

Zenith (Philippines)

What this person's friends have to say about 'Iris (Philippines)':

Becky (Philippines): "She introduced me to BookMooch through a Filipino online community. She's my first friend here and my first moocher. "
Patti (Philippines): "Iris is so sweet. She's my first friend here at BookMooch and she helped me adjust well to the site. Great girl!"
tucsonazdryheat (USA: AZ): "Sweet Heart!! Working hard to get Schooling Done!!"