Before |
Change |
After |
Description |
Book |
Member |
Date |
8.7 |
+0.1 |
8.8 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
1594741174 |
Yaffa (United Kingdom)
2009/06/06 |
10.7 |
-2 |
8.7 |
deducted points for mooch request |
1594741174 |
Yaffa (United Kingdom)
2009/05/23 |
9.7 |
+1 |
10.7 |
lost in the mail says book owner |
0440237688 |
natassia (Canada)
2008/07/29 |
9.6 |
+0.1 |
9.7 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0375727132 |
Caitlin (USA: MA)
2008/02/11 |
9.5 |
+0.1 |
9.6 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0743454537 |
Jaque Camp (USA: PA)
2008/01/26 |
11.5 |
-2 |
9.5 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0375727132 |
Caitlin (USA: MA)
2007/12/30 |
12.5 |
-1 |
11.5 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0440237688 |
natassia (Canada)
2007/12/30 |
14.5 |
-2 |
12.5 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0743454537 |
Jaque Camp (USA: PA)
2007/12/30 |
14.6 |
-0.1 |
14.5 |
removed book from inventory |
0345452003 |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/12/30 |
14.7 |
-0.1 |
14.6 |
removed book from inventory |
0380765462 |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/12/30 |
14.8 |
-0.1 |
14.7 |
removed book from inventory |
0897331583 |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/12/30 |
14.9 |
-0.1 |
14.8 |
removed book from inventory |
0897332253 |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/12/30 |
15 |
-0.1 |
14.9 |
removed book from inventory |
0897331575 |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/12/30 |
15.1 |
-0.1 |
15 |
removed book from inventory |
0771014929 |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/12/30 |
16.1 |
-1 |
15.1 |
mooch rejected by book owner |
0345396448 |
Sabine (Canada)
2007/12/30 |
15.1 |
+1 |
16.1 |
gave points for mooch request |
0345396448 |
Sabine (Canada)
2007/12/09 |
13.1 |
+2 |
15.1 |
mooch rejected by book owner |
1594482241 |
Reva Raj (Singapore)
2007/11/19 |
15.1 |
-2 |
13.1 |
deducted points for mooch request |
1594482241 |
Reva Raj (Singapore)
2007/10/07 |
15 |
+0.1 |
15.1 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0393327809 |
Summerlyn42 (USA: IN)
2007/10/07 |
17 |
-2 |
15 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0393327809 |
Summerlyn42 (USA: IN)
2007/08/24 |
17.1 |
-0.1 |
17 |
removed book from inventory |
1569248192 |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/08/13 |
17.2 |
-0.1 |
17.1 |
removed book from inventory |
1594481881 |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/08/13 |
17.3 |
-0.1 |
17.2 |
removed book from inventory |
0679746161 |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/08/13 |
17.4 |
-0.1 |
17.3 |
removed book from inventory |
0743457986 |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/08/13 |
20.4 |
-3 |
17.4 |
mooch rejected by book owner |
0312969139 |
Andrew (USA: NY)
2007/08/13 |
17.4 |
+3 |
20.4 |
gave points for mooch request |
0312969139 |
Andrew (USA: NY)
2007/08/05 |
17.3 |
+0.1 |
17.4 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0446524131 |
Jonesy (Canada)
2007/08/05 |
20.3 |
-3 |
17.3 |
mooch cancelled by requestor |
0312969139 |
Jonathan May (USA: AL)
2007/08/05 |
17.3 |
+3 |
20.3 |
gave points for mooch request |
0312969139 |
Jonathan May (USA: AL)
2007/08/05 |
17.2 |
+0.1 |
17.3 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0618485228 |
Christine (Canada)
2007/07/12 |
17.3 |
-0.1 |
17.2 |
removed book from inventory |
0679763155 |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/07/04 |
17.4 |
-0.1 |
17.3 |
removed book from inventory |
0964094533 |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/07/04 |
20.4 |
-3 |
17.4 |
mooch cancelled by requestor |
0312969139 |
MadProfessah (USA: CA)
2007/07/04 |
21.4 |
-1 |
20.4 |
mooch cancelled by requestor |
1594481881 |
starfishian (Canada)
2007/07/03 |
22.4 |
-1 |
21.4 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0446524131 |
Jonesy (Canada)
2007/07/02 |
21.4 |
+1 |
22.4 |
gave points for mooch request |
1594481881 |
starfishian (Canada)
2007/06/26 |
21.3 |
+0.1 |
21.4 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
1570671516 |
Rene (Canada)
2007/06/05 |
22.3 |
-1 |
21.3 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0618485228 |
Christine (Canada)
2007/06/04 |
19.3 |
+3 |
22.3 |
gave points for mooch request |
0312969139 |
MadProfessah (USA: CA)
2007/06/04 |
17.3 |
+2 |
19.3 |
mooch rejected by book owner |
0446671096 |
Ryan (USA: NY)
2007/05/24 |
18.3 |
-1 |
17.3 |
mooch rejected by book owner |
0425104338 |
Debra (Canada)
2007/05/12 |
18.2 |
+0.1 |
18.3 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0316776963 |
Gina (USA: FL)
2007/05/12 |
17.2 |
+1 |
18.2 |
gave points for mooch request |
0380788756 |
Terristem (Canada)
2007/05/08 |
16.2 |
+1 |
17.2 |
gave points for mooch request |
0425104338 |
Debra (Canada)
2007/05/07 |
17.2 |
-1 |
16.2 |
deducted points for mooch request |
1570671516 |
Rene (Canada)
2007/05/07 |
19.2 |
-2 |
17.2 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0446671096 |
Ryan (USA: NY)
2007/04/29 |
16.2 |
+3 |
19.2 |
gave points for mooch request |
0679768173 |
Tereasa (USA: TX)
2007/04/27 |
18.2 |
-2 |
16.2 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0316776963 |
Gina (USA: FL)
2007/04/04 |
18.1 |
+0.1 |
18.2 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0765312808 |
CambridgeCarol (USA: MA)
2007/04/04 |
15.1 |
+3 |
18.1 |
gave points for mooch request |
0886774713 |
Caity (USA: IN)
2007/03/28 |
14.1 |
+1 |
15.1 |
mooch cancelled by requestor |
2070528189 |
KarinAlyssa (Canada)
2007/03/28 |
13.1 |
+1 |
14.1 |
gave points for mooch request |
0312924585 |
christine (Canada)
2007/03/28 |
10.1 |
+3 |
13.1 |
gave points for mooch request |
0060512180 |
lacuna (USA: NY)
2007/03/11 |
11.1 |
-1 |
10.1 |
deducted points for mooch request |
2070528189 |
KarinAlyssa (Canada)
2007/03/01 |
11 |
+0.1 |
11.1 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
2070364232 |
Michelle Lee (USA: NY)
2007/02/27 |
10.9 |
+0.1 |
11 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0486264432 |
Jordan (USA: TX)
2007/02/27 |
12.9 |
-2 |
10.9 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0765312808 |
CambridgeCarol (USA: MA)
2007/02/24 |
10.9 |
+2 |
12.9 |
mooch cancelled by requestor |
0312422156 |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/02/08 |
9.9 |
+1 |
10.9 |
mooch rejected by book owner |
0425196380 |
Lotus (Canada)
2007/02/05 |
10.9 |
-1 |
9.9 |
deducted points for mooch request |
2070364232 |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/02/05 |
12.9 |
-2 |
10.9 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0486264432 |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/02/05 |
13.9 |
-1 |
12.9 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0425196380 |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/02/05 |
13.8 |
+0.1 |
13.9 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
042520300X |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/02/05 |
10.8 |
+3 |
13.8 |
gave points for mooch request |
0684824388 |
datura_jade (USA: CO)
2007/01/27 |
10.9 |
-0.1 |
10.8 |
removed book from inventory |
0767901754 |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/01/26 |
11 |
-0.1 |
10.9 |
removed book from inventory |
0767901754 |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/01/26 |
11.1 |
-0.1 |
11 |
removed book from inventory |
0060929596 |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/01/26 |
11.2 |
-0.1 |
11.1 |
removed book from inventory |
0062509233 |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/01/26 |
11.3 |
-0.1 |
11.2 |
removed book from inventory |
1564142078 |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/01/26 |
11.4 |
-0.1 |
11.3 |
removed book from inventory |
1564142078 |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/01/26 |
11.5 |
-0.1 |
11.4 |
removed book from inventory |
0553347756 |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/01/26 |
11.6 |
-0.1 |
11.5 |
removed book from inventory |
0452009278 |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/01/26 |
11.7 |
-0.1 |
11.6 |
removed book from inventory |
006103083X |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/01/26 |
8.7 |
+3 |
11.7 |
gave points for mooch request |
0140150781 |
bizurk (USA: FL)
2007/01/25 |
7.7 |
+1 |
8.7 |
gave points for mooch request |
0671024337 |
janinedesiree (Canada)
2007/01/16 |
7.6 |
+0.1 |
7.7 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0316168815 |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/01/12 |
10.6 |
-3 |
7.6 |
mooch cancelled by requestor |
0886774713 |
brett (USA: WA)
2007/01/08 |
7.6 |
+3 |
10.6 |
gave points for mooch request |
0886774713 |
brett (USA: WA)
2007/01/08 |
9.6 |
-2 |
7.6 |
deducted points for mooch request |
042520300X |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/01/06 |
9.5 |
+0.1 |
9.6 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0425210731 |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/01/06 |
9.4 |
+0.1 |
9.5 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
039592720X |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/01/06 |
8.4 |
+1 |
9.4 |
gave points for mooch request |
080214165X |
Carine (Canada)
2007/01/03 |
8.5 |
-0.1 |
8.4 |
removed book from inventory |
1880284626 |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/01/02 |
8.6 |
-0.1 |
8.5 |
removed book from inventory |
0385659989 |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/01/02 |
8.7 |
-0.1 |
8.6 |
removed book from inventory |
0385659989 |
Joanna (Canada)
2007/01/02 |
8.8 |
-0.1 |
8.7 |
removed book from inventory |
0440506581 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/12/29 |
8.9 |
-0.1 |
8.8 |
removed book from inventory |
0823084507 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/12/29 |
9 |
-0.1 |
8.9 |
removed book from inventory |
0696217260 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/12/29 |
9.1 |
-0.1 |
9 |
removed book from inventory |
0441008534 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/12/29 |
9.2 |
-0.1 |
9.1 |
removed book from inventory |
0848727118 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/12/29 |
11.2 |
-2 |
9.2 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0312422156 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/12/28 |
11.3 |
-0.1 |
11.2 |
removed book from inventory |
0060505389 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/12/28 |
8.3 |
+3 |
11.3 |
gave points for mooch request |
0743454553 |
malagan (Netherlands)
2006/12/27 |
10.3 |
-2 |
8.3 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0316168815 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/12/25 |
10.2 |
+0.1 |
10.3 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0449004139 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/12/24 |
10.1 |
+0.1 |
10.2 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0198602790 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/12/24 |
12.1 |
-2 |
10.1 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0425210731 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/12/24 |
12 |
+0.1 |
12.1 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0380778556 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/12/18 |
14 |
-2 |
12 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0449004139 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/12/10 |
11 |
+3 |
14 |
gave points for mooch request |
0451457811 |
Oriana (France)
2006/12/07 |
10.9 |
+0.1 |
11 |
added book to inventory |
0451457811 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/12/07 |
10.8 |
+0.1 |
10.9 |
added book to inventory |
0140150781 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/12/07 |
10.7 |
+0.1 |
10.8 |
added book to inventory |
0743454553 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/12/07 |
12.7 |
-2 |
10.7 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0198602790 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/12/03 |
11.7 |
+1 |
12.7 |
gave points for mooch request |
1592402038 |
Laura (Canada)
2006/12/03 |
11.6 |
+0.1 |
11.7 |
added book to inventory |
0679746161 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/12/03 |
11.5 |
+0.1 |
11.6 |
added book to inventory |
1592402038 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/12/03 |
8.5 |
+3 |
11.5 |
gave points for mooch request |
0810928388 |
Bob (USA: NY)
2006/12/03 |
10.5 |
-2 |
8.5 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0380778556 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/12/03 |
8.5 |
+2 |
10.5 |
mooch cancelled by requestor |
0312422156 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/12/03 |
10.5 |
-2 |
8.5 |
deducted points for mooch request |
039592720X |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/12/03 |
10.4 |
+0.1 |
10.5 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0140023852 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/12/01 |
10.3 |
+0.1 |
10.4 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
1550544683 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/12/01 |
12.3 |
-2 |
10.3 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0312422156 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/25 |
14.3 |
-2 |
12.3 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0140023852 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/25 |
14.2 |
+0.1 |
14.3 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0060838728 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/23 |
13.2 |
+1 |
14.2 |
gave points for mooch request |
0345409876 |
Laura (Canada)
2006/11/23 |
10.2 |
+3 |
13.2 |
gave points for mooch request |
050552631X |
Aileen (USA: WA)
2006/11/22 |
7.2 |
+3 |
10.2 |
gave points for mooch request |
0451457811 |
Amanda (USA)
2006/11/19 |
7.1 |
+0.1 |
7.2 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0060987103 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/17 |
7 |
+0.1 |
7.1 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0446519138 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/17 |
6.9 |
+0.1 |
7 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0156006219 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/17 |
6.8 |
+0.1 |
6.9 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0515126772 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/17 |
6.7 |
+0.1 |
6.8 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0141013184 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/17 |
6.6 |
+0.1 |
6.7 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
1561483176 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/17 |
6.5 |
+0.1 |
6.6 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
1400032717 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/14 |
6.4 |
+0.1 |
6.5 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0743454553 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/14 |
3.4 |
+3 |
6.4 |
gave points for mooch request |
0765314576 |
Shay (United Kingdom)
2006/11/06 |
3.3 |
+0.1 |
3.4 |
added book to inventory |
050552631X |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/05 |
3.2 |
+0.1 |
3.3 |
added book to inventory |
0765314576 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/05 |
3.1 |
+0.1 |
3.2 |
added book to inventory |
1880284626 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/05 |
3 |
+0.1 |
3.1 |
added book to inventory |
1564142078 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/05 |
2.9 |
+0.1 |
3 |
added book to inventory |
1564142078 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/05 |
2.8 |
+0.1 |
2.9 |
added book to inventory |
0767901754 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/05 |
2.7 |
+0.1 |
2.8 |
added book to inventory |
0767901754 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/05 |
2.6 |
+0.1 |
2.7 |
added book to inventory |
006103083X |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/05 |
2.5 |
+0.1 |
2.6 |
added book to inventory |
0385659989 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/05 |
2.4 |
+0.1 |
2.5 |
added book to inventory |
0385659989 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/05 |
4.4 |
-2 |
2.4 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0060987103 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/04 |
6.4 |
-2 |
4.4 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0446519138 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/04 |
8.4 |
-2 |
6.4 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0156006219 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/04 |
10.4 |
-2 |
8.4 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0515126772 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/04 |
12.4 |
-2 |
10.4 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0141013184 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/04 |
14.4 |
-2 |
12.4 |
deducted points for mooch request |
1400032717 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/03 |
13.4 |
+1 |
14.4 |
mooch cancelled by requestor |
0141008253 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/03 |
12.4 |
+1 |
13.4 |
mooch cancelled by requestor |
1400032717 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/03 |
12.3 |
+0.1 |
12.4 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0312291639 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/03 |
12.2 |
+0.1 |
12.3 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0618485228 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/03 |
12.1 |
+0.1 |
12.2 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0747266689 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/03 |
9.1 |
+3 |
12.1 |
gave points for mooch request |
0764551051 |
Helena (Sweden)
2006/11/02 |
9 |
+0.1 |
9.1 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0446670251 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/02 |
8.9 |
+0.1 |
9 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0805063897 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/02 |
8.8 |
+0.1 |
8.9 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0312282990 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/02 |
8.7 |
+0.1 |
8.8 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0553270257 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/02 |
8.6 |
+0.1 |
8.7 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0553377906 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/02 |
8.5 |
+0.1 |
8.6 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0676974090 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/11/02 |
5.5 |
+3 |
8.5 |
gave points for mooch request |
1585420093 |
Kirsty (USA: PA)
2006/11/02 |
6.5 |
-1 |
5.5 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0312291639 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/31 |
8.5 |
-2 |
6.5 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0060838728 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/25 |
10.5 |
-2 |
8.5 |
deducted points for mooch request |
1550544683 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/25 |
11.5 |
-1 |
10.5 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0618485228 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/25 |
12.5 |
-1 |
11.5 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0446670251 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/25 |
14.5 |
-2 |
12.5 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0743454553 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/25 |
14.6 |
-0.1 |
14.5 |
removed book from inventory |
0684870924 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/25 |
14.7 |
-0.1 |
14.6 |
removed book from inventory |
B000HX3EDA |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/25 |
16.7 |
-2 |
14.7 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0805063897 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/25 |
18.7 |
-2 |
16.7 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0312282990 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/25 |
20.7 |
-2 |
18.7 |
deducted points for mooch request |
1561483176 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/23 |
20.8 |
-0.1 |
20.7 |
removed book from inventory |
0534574475 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/23 |
20.9 |
-0.1 |
20.8 |
removed book from inventory |
0534574475 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/23 |
20.8 |
+0.1 |
20.9 |
added book to inventory |
0534574475 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/23 |
20.7 |
+0.1 |
20.8 |
added book to inventory |
0534574475 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/23 |
18.7 |
+2 |
20.7 |
mooch cancelled by requestor |
0316558400 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/23 |
18.6 |
+0.1 |
18.7 |
added book to inventory |
0060512180 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/23 |
18.5 |
+0.1 |
18.6 |
added book to inventory |
0684870924 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/23 |
18.4 |
+0.1 |
18.5 |
added book to inventory |
0380788756 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/23 |
18.3 |
+0.1 |
18.4 |
added book to inventory |
0345409876 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/23 |
20.3 |
-2 |
18.3 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0553270257 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/23 |
22.3 |
-2 |
20.3 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0553377906 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/23 |
23.3 |
-1 |
22.3 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0141008253 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/23 |
24.3 |
-1 |
23.3 |
deducted points for mooch request |
1400032717 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/23 |
21.3 |
+3 |
24.3 |
gave points for mooch request |
1845370503 |
Al H. (USA: TX)
2006/10/22 |
18.3 |
+3 |
21.3 |
gave points for mooch request |
0749003456 |
Al H. (USA: TX)
2006/10/22 |
18.2 |
+0.1 |
18.3 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0767915305 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/21 |
15.2 |
+3 |
18.2 |
gave points for mooch request |
0696217279 |
April (USA: IL)
2006/10/21 |
16.2 |
-1 |
15.2 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0767915305 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/17 |
17.2 |
-1 |
16.2 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0676974090 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/17 |
14.2 |
+3 |
17.2 |
gave points for mooch request |
042519485X |
Elisabeth (Austria)
2006/10/16 |
13.2 |
+1 |
14.2 |
gave points for mooch request |
0770429637 |
juliamb (Canada)
2006/10/16 |
10.2 |
+3 |
13.2 |
gave points for mooch request |
0425197484 |
Lynn (Singapore)
2006/10/16 |
13.2 |
-3 |
10.2 |
mooch cancelled by requestor |
0060929596 |
Maddie Borth (USA: IL)
2006/10/15 |
10.2 |
+3 |
13.2 |
gave points for mooch request |
0060929596 |
Maddie Borth (USA: IL)
2006/10/15 |
12.2 |
-2 |
10.2 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0316558400 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/15 |
14.2 |
-2 |
12.2 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0747266689 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/15 |
17.2 |
-3 |
14.2 |
mooch cancelled by requestor |
042519485X |
Lynn (Singapore)
2006/10/14 |
14.2 |
+3 |
17.2 |
gave points for mooch request |
042519485X |
Lynn (Singapore)
2006/10/14 |
11.2 |
+3 |
14.2 |
gave points for mooch request |
0671027131 |
SuperPirateMommy (USA: AZ)
2006/10/14 |
8.2 |
+3 |
11.2 |
gave points for mooch request |
0811845052 |
rob gale (USA: CA)
2006/10/13 |
8.1 |
+0.1 |
8.2 |
added book to inventory |
0679768173 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
8 |
+0.1 |
8.1 |
added book to inventory |
1594481881 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
7.9 |
+0.1 |
8 |
added book to inventory |
0679768173 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
7.8 |
+0.1 |
7.9 |
added book to inventory |
0684824388 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
7.7 |
+0.1 |
7.8 |
added book to inventory |
1585420093 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
7.6 |
+0.1 |
7.7 |
added book to inventory |
0060505389 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
7.5 |
+0.1 |
7.6 |
added book to inventory |
0684824388 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
7.4 |
+0.1 |
7.5 |
added book to inventory |
0060505389 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
7.3 |
+0.1 |
7.4 |
added book to inventory |
0060929596 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
7.2 |
+0.1 |
7.3 |
added book to inventory |
0964094533 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
7.1 |
+0.1 |
7.2 |
added book to inventory |
0964094533 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
7 |
+0.1 |
7.1 |
added book to inventory |
1569248192 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
6.9 |
+0.1 |
7 |
added book to inventory |
1569248192 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
6.8 |
+0.1 |
6.9 |
added book to inventory |
0764551051 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
6.7 |
+0.1 |
6.8 |
added book to inventory |
0425104338 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
6.6 |
+0.1 |
6.7 |
added book to inventory |
0062509233 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
6.5 |
+0.1 |
6.6 |
added book to inventory |
0452009278 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
6.4 |
+0.1 |
6.5 |
added book to inventory |
0749003456 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
6.3 |
+0.1 |
6.4 |
added book to inventory |
0811845052 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
6.2 |
+0.1 |
6.3 |
added book to inventory |
0810928388 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
6.1 |
+0.1 |
6.2 |
added book to inventory |
0810928388 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
6 |
+0.1 |
6.1 |
added book to inventory |
0848727118 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
5.9 |
+0.1 |
6 |
added book to inventory |
0848727118 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
5.8 |
+0.1 |
5.9 |
added book to inventory |
0743457986 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
5.7 |
+0.1 |
5.8 |
added book to inventory |
0671027131 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
5.6 |
+0.1 |
5.7 |
added book to inventory |
0671024337 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
5.5 |
+0.1 |
5.6 |
added book to inventory |
0743457986 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
5.4 |
+0.1 |
5.5 |
added book to inventory |
0696217260 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
5.3 |
+0.1 |
5.4 |
added book to inventory |
0696217260 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
5.2 |
+0.1 |
5.3 |
added book to inventory |
0696217279 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
5.1 |
+0.1 |
5.2 |
added book to inventory |
0696217279 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
5 |
+0.1 |
5.1 |
added book to inventory |
B000HX3EDA |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
4.9 |
+0.1 |
5 |
added book to inventory |
0897331583 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
4.8 |
+0.1 |
4.9 |
added book to inventory |
0897331583 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
4.7 |
+0.1 |
4.8 |
added book to inventory |
0897332253 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
4.6 |
+0.1 |
4.7 |
added book to inventory |
0897331575 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
4.5 |
+0.1 |
4.6 |
added book to inventory |
0897331575 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
4.4 |
+0.1 |
4.5 |
added book to inventory |
0451457811 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
4.3 |
+0.1 |
4.4 |
added book to inventory |
0886774713 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
4.2 |
+0.1 |
4.3 |
added book to inventory |
0345396448 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
4.1 |
+0.1 |
4.2 |
added book to inventory |
0345396448 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
4 |
+0.1 |
4.1 |
added book to inventory |
0771014929 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
3.9 |
+0.1 |
4 |
added book to inventory |
0345452003 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
3.8 |
+0.1 |
3.9 |
added book to inventory |
0312924585 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
3.7 |
+0.1 |
3.8 |
added book to inventory |
0441008534 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
3.6 |
+0.1 |
3.7 |
added book to inventory |
0380765462 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
3.5 |
+0.1 |
3.6 |
added book to inventory |
0380765462 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
3.4 |
+0.1 |
3.5 |
added book to inventory |
0679763155 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
3.3 |
+0.1 |
3.4 |
added book to inventory |
0679763155 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
3.2 |
+0.1 |
3.3 |
added book to inventory |
042519485X |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
3.1 |
+0.1 |
3.2 |
added book to inventory |
0425197484 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
3 |
+0.1 |
3.1 |
added book to inventory |
0312969139 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
2.9 |
+0.1 |
3 |
added book to inventory |
0312969139 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
2.8 |
+0.1 |
2.9 |
added book to inventory |
0770429637 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
2.7 |
+0.1 |
2.8 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0764565311 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/13 |
2.6 |
+0.1 |
2.7 |
added book to inventory |
0553347756 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/11 |
2.5 |
+0.1 |
2.6 |
added book to inventory |
0823084507 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/11 |
2.4 |
+0.1 |
2.5 |
added book to inventory |
0440506581 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/10/11 |
4.4 |
-2 |
2.4 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0764565311 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/09/28 |
4.3 |
+0.1 |
4.4 |
receiver acknowledged receiving book |
0898214173 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/09/28 |
4.4 |
-0.1 |
4.3 |
removed book from inventory |
0060010274 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/08/28 |
6.4 |
-2 |
4.4 |
deducted points for mooch request |
0898214173 |
Joanna (Canada)
2006/08/26 |
3.4 |
+3 |
6.4 |
gave points for mooch request |
0060010274 |
Maya Bee (USA)
2006/08/26 |