International Wishlist Tag Game
There is a game going on in the Bookmooching Group on LibraryThing which I think is great, so I thought I´d try it here on BookMooch. If you would like to participate, please check the wishlist of the member who posted last in this thread, and if you have something from their wishlist you are willing to send, you post here with "I tag xxx", list and reserve it on BM, they Mooch it from you and you send the book to her/him. So you are now last and hopefully someone will find something for you and so on. All mooches should be international. If you'd like to participate, please make sure there is something on your wishlist and you have 3 points available for Mooching. So I´ll start by offering a copy of Jon Krakauer : Into the Wild (good condition with some minor cover creases and the lower back cover corner is beginning to split and curl). If anyone would like to participate then they should 'tag' me for the book, I will reserve it for them, they Mooch it from me. All mooches should be international. I am then the last name on the list and someone finds a book from my WL and tags me with the title. If no-one wants to play, then my copy of Into the Wild finds a good home and all ends there. I've been playing this on LT and had great fun: you get something you like, you send something the person will like who gets it, and you even know the postage costs in advance (if it´s too far and too expensive, you just don´t tag the member). Hopefully it will be as popular on here as on LT and BookCrossing :) Shamelessly copied from DubaiReader on LibraryThing who shamelessly copied it from Schwester at BookCrossing :) Click on the drop-down menu (upper right) to join this forum and sign up to receive updates by email! The more books you have on your wishlist, the better your chances of getting tagged :-)
Current Participants:
- birdbrain
- Clotel
- DubaiReader
- duygu basman
- Jenni Canuck
- Kerry
- Mary H
- Melanie C.
- kathers
- Mosca
- NinaBryna
- Rebel Sun
- Robin
- SLim
- Sonja
Jenni Canuck
13 years ago
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I guess I'm playing it wrong, but I don't really want Into the Wild. However, I have an extra copy of a book on your wishlist which I have now posted and reserved for you. Hopefully that will not mess up the game too much.
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Thank you! Next to be tagged: Kerry
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Ok, so if I understood this correctly, I'm now supposed to look at Kerry's WISHlist, and see if there's anything on it I have? I actually might have Asimov's Mother's Day, but I haven't read it yet. I did *just* finish Blanche cleans up, but I loved it so much, I didn't want to give it up. So, maybe I shouldn't play?
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@Robin I think it might be better to wait until you have something ready to send. Hopefully, there will be many opportunities to tag and be tagged :-)Still waiting to be tagged: Kerry
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@ Kerry ::: I have this edition of Lawrence Hill : Book Of Negroes. Unless you specifically want the edition you have on your wishlist, I will tag you with this one.
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Thank you! I'll happily accept that (the edition does not matter to me, I just want to read it). So that means birdbrain is next to be tagged!
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I'm not sure I understand how this works, but I shall be happy to join. Can someone explain for the benefit of the (apparently) feeble minded (or bleary-eyed). thanks.
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Hi Nina, The benefit is that you (hopefully) get a book from your wishlist. In addition to that, you may find other moochers with similar tastes whom you may be able to trade books with in the future.
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I' ll tag Birdbrain with Only You Can Save Mankind by Terry Pratchett.I'll list it now.
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DubaiReader, I have a hardback copy of The Man in the White Sharkskin Suit, if you don't care about specific edition.
Any edition is fine by me, thanks Laura LauraTS next to be tagged.
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Great! I will list and reserve it for you.
Jenni should have the last say on this, but I would have thought a local mooch counted as well.
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OK, I've just noticed in large letters on the instructions that all Mooches should be international! So Laura TS still needs tagging - my apologies.
Sorry to be so slow in responding. I'm AFK pretty much until the end of the month working on a special project.
My intention in setting this up was to encourage international mooching. I think it's great that Mary H offered up a domestic mooch to LauraTS and I hope she finds someone international to tag soon.
Anyway, as long as I'm here, I'll tag LauraTS with Mary Ann Shaffer : The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society and, since I've already received a tag and I really hope more people will join in, I'll pass my tag opportunity to MaryH.
So, next to be tagged is Mary H
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This sounds like a great way to connect. Although I don't currently have anything for Mary H but I'll keep my eye on other posts.
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I've checked MaryH's list but can't help either - I'd only heard of one of her WL books! Anyone else??
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Jenni, you should pick another player to tag instead of me. I'll keep an eye on the forum to see if I can jump in, but I do have an odd wishlist. Maybe when the game catches hold and there are more players I'll be able to slip back in.
How do I join the forum?
Hi Duygu, I can tag you with a copy of The Sparrow, posted and reserved for you. The next step would be for you to check the wishlists of the other members of this forum to see if you can fulfill someone elses wish. -Kerry-
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I tagged Canuck_Jenni with Love is Hell
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Thank you Kerry. Gerri, I have Little Women but I hvae to see if it is a more simplified one for children or the original one. If it is for children, then I have Butcher Boy I can tag you with. Also, we have a lot of books in common , I guess you are following the 1001 list also :)
I have been tagged offlist by NinaBryna for 3 books J. I'll be looking at wishlists shortly.
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How can we keep the list of participants in view?
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Great ...I would love Butcher Boy. Yes I started the 1001 books & was shocked at how few I had read. I'll look at your wish list I'm hopeful I have a book for you.
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Gerri - I am posting Little Women for you, hopefully I can figure out how to reserve it for you :)
Thank you...I have mooched it. Checking wish lists no luck yet..Will keep trying.
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Gerri, I tag you with a decent PB copy of The perks of being a wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. Please let me know and I'll reserve it.
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That sounds good...thank you please post & reserve for me.
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OK, it's there for you
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I can tag duygu basman with Beloved by Toni Morrison. Let me know if you still want it. Robin
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I can tag Mosca with Secret Life of Bees
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Thanks again Gerri, let me know when it's there
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Hello Robin, Yes that would be lovely :) Thank you duygu
It's reserved for you, all you need to do is go "mooch" it! :-)
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Robin I have a paper copy, not an audio CD of When You are Engulfed in Flames by Michael Sedaris if you are interested.
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Thanks Gerri, but I prefer to listen to David Sedaris....he's much funnier that way. :-) Thanks though!
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Just discovered this game, and I thought that it looked pretty cool. :-) Only, I would rather not send anything international, and out of fairness I wouldn't feel right receiving anything internationally, either. Is it breaking the rules if I play this game? And also, what do you do when the last one tagged has been inactive for a long time? Who is next?
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